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Death metal - Haiduk  \m/

Watched "T2 Trainspotting" the other day, this song had me laughing for an hour!

Got tickets to see these guys in May. :headbanging:

Music to poop by! 

Funny thing is, these guys are actually pretty good musicians.

Okay, more seriously:  Bireli Lagrene shows us what improvisation can be.

You may have a higher tolerance for adventurous improvisation than I do, but to me, that didn't sound like "Smoke on the Water" at all. It's almost like it was something he was making up as he went along. I think he needs to have fretmarker inlays installed. Plus, a different amp. And longer hair. Other than that, I'm envious.
A mix of stuff
1. Stuff that I’m playing on Sunday for church
2. The Struts (which I recently found)
3. David Gilmour Live at Pompeii
4. The Clash - Singles
Lagrene. I don't watch/listen to clowns, so I don't know what they're up to. Lagrene looked like he might be serious, so I gave him a shot. But, he insisted on playing in a precise, musical way, so he's out  :laughing7:
If this was a Friday night 30 years ago I'd be tuning into NBC for some Miami Vice with Jan Hammer's sweet Keytar action!
One of my all time favorites. An oldie but a goodie! (IMHO)

Nick Johnston is such an amazing guitarist and musician. I got all his CD's a while back and have listened to them over and over. They are sooo good.
I heard a rumour that there's a fifth album in the works. If so - I can't wait. :icon_thumright:
I've gotten in BTBAM again, I really forgot how good their stuff is.