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For Your Life, first time performed live. I love the rhythms on this.


Okilly Dokilly, the world's leading (only) Ned Flanders themed metal band:


"But sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's not meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." great mileage outta those notes  :headbanging:
DustyCat said:

This is the latest song that stopped me dead in my trax.
My dog died June 16 2016 and the hurt still runs deep, but that guitar fill in the second verse makes me chuckle  :laughing7:

"But sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's not meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." great mileage outta those notes  :headbanging:

What did I just watch?

I want my 4:12 back, lol :sad: :sad1: :icon_scratch:
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
What did I just watch?

I want my 4:12 back, lol :sad: :sad1: :icon_scratch:

My sentiments exactly. I kept thinking "Maybe it's gonna be funny. Maybe the guitar's gonna be a surprise piece. Maybe there's a clever, pithy and memorable message. But, noooooooo!" Phbbt.
Found this awesome cover of Bohemian Rhapsody the other day. BTBAM have a really good style to this cover.

It's been 5 years since Tom's last release.  I need some new Tom, although his albums since "Mule Variations" were a bit experimental for my tastes.


"Heeeeeey you're fiiiiiiiiine, I want to listen to the radio-driving down Calexico hiiiiiighwaaaay, and now I know the signs, for suuuuuure
Hoooooold my haaaand, I want to share it all with Mary results are gonna vary noooooow"

Oh man I love those held notes. I used to be all about the speed, but the long tones are where I'm at lately... :headbang:
DustyCat said:
Oh man I love those held notes. I used to be all about the speed, but the long tones are where I'm at lately... :headbang:
You got that right.
I'm still in love with The Pack AD




This song may not fit the recent pool, but I just gotta have a good melody  :icon_smile:
DustyCat said:

This song may not fit the recent pool, but I just gotta have a good melody  :icon_smile:

There ain't nothin' wrong with simple, pretty vocal harmony.  Thanks for sharing.

If we're going latin... :icon_jokercolor:  :icon_thumright: :guitaristgif: