
Possible to build a sub 6lb strat with a good trem?

AutoBat said:
Am I the only person that prefers a heavy body?

I like em heavy, but I almost never play standing up, maybe I would think differently then. I dont like guitars that are too light, I feel like they are fragile or something. I like some weight in my hands.

Also, there is a sub 3lb soloist body in the showcase, its alder.
Actually, I've never seen so many heavy body fans as here. I prefer lighter bodies not only for the weight (secondary) but feel they're more resonant (than heavier bodies in the same wood)
Why I want low weight: I work at home and can have my guitar on my shoulder for 8+ hours in a day. When I am recording, I find myself leaning over the computer desk with my guitar weighing me down. I only play standing (can't fricking stand trying to play while sitting on my ass). I play an 8.5 lb PRS CE24 and the thing is killing my back. I bought a Jackson SLSMG and while the "SL" is supposed to mean "superlight," it weighs 7.5lbs (after I took off the metal knobs). This guitar hurts my back almost as much - the 1lb difference is offset by the balance difference - the CE24 is very well balanced and I think that makes the 8.5lbs feel lighter. All this leads me to believe that I need a guitar around 6lbs or so.

Thanks for all the input and particular thanks for making me consider the soloist body. In talking to a Warmoth sales rep, I learned that these bodies are smaller and lighter (in general) than strats and there is a 2lb 9oz unfinished body in the showcase. The other thing he told me is that necks are closer to 1lb rather than the 2lbs I had assumed. Here are my revised weight assumptions:

Body 41oz
Neck 21oz
tuners 7.08oz
Wikinson Trem 18oz
pots + switches 1.5oz
Pickups 8oz
finish   2oz
98.58 oz
6.16125 lbs

Waiting to hear back from them if they can alter the edge radius on an unfinished showcase body.

Can anyone recommend a good trem unit that is not a floyd or a six hole vintage style that weighs less than the 1lb2oz of the Wikinson trem?

there is the wilky vsvg. IDK how much it weighs, but it is essentially the same functionally.
AutoBat said:
Am I the only person that prefers a heavy body?

Absolutely not... I love heavy bodies.

rapfohl09 said:
AutoBat said:
Am I the only person that prefers a heavy body?

I like em heavy, but I almost never play standing up, maybe I would think differently then. I dont like guitars that are too light, I feel like they are fragile or something. I like some weight in my hands.

Also, there is a sub 3lb soloist body in the showcase, its alder.

And I totally agree about the fragile part haha.

I played the fender J5 Triple Humbucker tele once. heaviest guitar I've EVER picked up. It had to be close to 20 pounds AT LEAST!
All optmizations should start w the biggest items. Its easier to shave $20 off a $300 grocery  bill than $70 electric bill.  Although in this case you should pay close attention to the headstock end even though its not huge, if you go shaving lbs at the body you could end up in major neck dive territory, and that could be worse for ergos than a guitar that doesn't make weight but is better balanced.

That said, you might look at your pickups too. I have nothing to base this on besides the fact that there are differences, but differences in magnets and hotness might weigh in.  And actives will hit you with a battery.
Something else I'm sure you thought of but maybe worth mentioning is your strap. Maybe something like the Planet Waves Dare strap. It would help distribute the weight across your shoulders and would get some ther muscles involved in supporting your guitar.  :dontknow:
tremulant said:
Can anyone recommend a good trem unit that is not a floyd or a six hole vintage style that weighs less than the 2lb2oz of the Wikinson trem?

There's a guy (Mike DeTemple) who makes replacement parts for a few bridges out of titanium, which definitely lowers the weight, but supposedly improves definition and articulation as well. The only complete vibrato bridge he makes is the less-than-ideal 6-hole vintage Strat version, but he does make saddles and sustain blocks that will fit others. It's pretty pricey stuff, but you could take off entire ounces at a crack using those parts. The whole vintage assembly is said to save a whole quarter pound. You can see them here if you're interested.
Titanium trem? Interesting - to bad 6 screw trems are out.  You could also shed a few oz by lopping off the vestigial lower horn.