
New Pedal(s) day


Master Member
Since swapping our my amp for the MESA Transatlantic, I wanted to go with more pure tones.  SO I sold my Boss GT10 and am going the pedal route.   I am using the amp head itself for OD since the sound is the main reason I bought the thing in the 1st place.  I am looking for a good OD pedal that can add some punch and sustain for solos.  More on that later.

In the mean time...I picked up these to "color" the tone a bit...If anyone interested in a review let me know...


Colour me interested! Wha and phaser are not pedals I get along with easily, how do you apply them and why those particular models?
kböman said:
Colour me interested! Wha and phaser are not pedals I get along with easily, how do you apply them and why those particular models?

Well I always wanted a wah.  It goes well from everyting from Santana, Satriani, Zeppelin, Metallica, and of course Alice in Chain.  Honestly...I think I have played over a dozen wahs.
I did not like the VOX models.  They all sounded the same and lacked the range and tone I was after.  I like the Ibanez Demon wah but I do not need all those bell and whistles.  Too confusing.
I also played ever model in the Crybaby line..to me that were all within 1% of eachother.  Some of them even have excessive controlls and OD which I did not like.  Too me it was between the Cantrell and the 535Q.  IT has some of the sound I liked but it was a little too bright.

The Cantrell Model had the exact tone I was looking for.  It has a real dark feel with the heel down with out getting muddy and also does not get really hi pitched with toe down.  The little knob on the side controls the intensity the wah rolls in.  It can make it more or less abrupt.

I use the Phaser from everyting from acousitic stuff on a mild setting, to HUGE sweeps with OD.  It is not for everyttig bt offers some unique tone.  It can sould like an MXR Phase 90 or Phase 100 depending on where the color switch is. 

I will post some sound clips if interested.
Cheers on the new pedals!  Makes me want to go shopping :glasses9:

As far as wah's go, me and my guitarist both love our Weeping Demons, but IMO you can't go wrong with a CryBaby.  And yeah Vox wahs are "teh suxors" but they've got their following.

For OD, probably obvious suggestions, but have you looked at Tubescreamers/OD1s and similar, or even a Big Muff or variant thereof since you've already got the EH brand going on.  Obviously you don't need something with a ton of extra gain like a Metal Muff or anything crazy with 3 TS808 circuits cascaded together, I think it's better to let the amp do the distortion and the pedal to give just a little "umph".
Rickgrxbass said:
Cheers on the new pedals!   Makes me want to go shopping :glasses9:

As far as wah's go, me and my guitarist both love our Weeping Demons, but IMO you can't go wrong with a CryBaby.  And yeah Vox wahs are "teh suxors" but they've got their following.

For OD, probably obvious suggestions, but have you looked at Tubescreamers/OD1s and similar, or even a Big Muff or variant thereof since you've already got the EH brand going on.  Obviously you don't need something with a ton of extra gain like a Metal Muff or anything crazy with 3 TS808 circuits cascaded together, I think it's better to let the amp do the distortion and the pedal to give just a little "umph".

I liked the Demons too.  Very heavy sounding wah.  I found the cantrell just a little darker...

Another pedal I tried was ModTone...very nice especially for the $$

I have a Big Muff already.  While it adds TONS to sustain, it colors the tone too much.  It is very tin sounding if you know what I mean.  Plus it sounds killer with my sons Bass and I would never get it off him.
I have a Morley wah that I absolutely despise.  I've tried giving it away on multiple occasions and can't bring myself to throw it away.
I've only had it since 1998 though.
Re OD's that don't color the tone, I recommend giving the Catalinbread WIIO a try. I'm really happy with mine. It's almost like putting extra 12AX7's in front of your amp, and it cleans up dramatically when you roll down the guitar volume or play softer.
I saw an interesting pedal the other day

you step on it and what ever note you are playing sustains for centuries. made by electro harmonics I think, when you step off it decays out

was interesting, had thoughts about getting one for 5 minutes, then it passed.
mrpinter said:
Re OD's that don't color the tone, I recommend giving the Catalinbread WIIO a try. I'm really happy with mine. It's almost like putting extra 12AX7's in front of your amp, and it cleans up dramatically when you roll down the guitar volume or play softer.
that is what I like about my Tube Driver, you are putting a 12AX7 in front of the preamp, It is a 120 volt pedal to drive the tube properly. sounds great.
I do not know if they still make them but you can get them off Ebay when someone decides to get rid of one,
AutoBat said:
I have a Morley wah that I absolutely despise.  I've tried giving it away on multiple occasions and can't bring myself to throw it away.

I had one of those miserable things back in the mid-'70s, and felt the same way. Looked like this...


Seemed like a great design in theory and on the face of it, but in practice they were just awful. Bad sound, bad feel, bad layout, heavy, on and on. Dunno what ever happened to it, but I'm glad it's gone.
Lets here more about the Cantrell wah. I always wanted one, but couldn't bring myself to fork over the cash. I always liked Jerry's wah sound, apparently he records using an old crybaby and a talkbox, but that can't be as easy to replicate live.
I'm curious about when you try these pedals out.  Do you play it on the store gear or do you take atleast your guitar in?

And with the Cybabies, I bought the Kirk Hammet one as a gift for a friend.  I'd read nothing good about it whatsoever, but it was a well deserved gift and it was what he wanted afterall.  Even the Guitar Center salesperson tried to talk me out of it.  They never do that.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I'm curious about when you try these pedals out.  Do you play it on the store gear or do you take atleast your guitar in?

And with the Cybabies, I bought the Kirk Hammet one as a gift for a friend.  I'd read nothing good about it whatsoever, but it was a well deserved gift and it was what he wanted afterall.  Even the Guitar Center salesperson tried to talk me out of it.  They never do that.

When I try them out I usually try them on a similar set up that I have.  Some times I bring a guitar.  If I don't, I usually grap a nice Les Paul or PRS.  Something with some decent PUs.  I am more concerned about the amp.  I did not like the Hammet sig pedal at all.  Too much bite.  The EVH was nice buy offered nothing over the standard wah except an indicator light...true bypass to.  I stayed away from the dimebag because of all the additional controls and OD.

The Cantrell wah based on the standard GCB95.  IT has been modded (with Jerrys help supposedly) to get the tone more like that of ALice in chains.  The sweep cap value is increased giving it a deeper voice.  This is what I like about it.  It is not as deep as the Wylde signature pedal, but does not get muddy like the wydle pedal can.  (This in my opinion only with my setup, other may vary).  There also is an external pot which alters the sweep. It's a smooth turning pot where you can adjust the toe down bite from full on which cuts great or real mellow if you don't want the top end to be as bright. This make it a bit more bit more tweakable.
I'm really happy with a Fulltone Fulldrive II w/Mosfet that I traded for recently. I have a Schecter C7+ seven-string that is a '99 Korean-built guitar with a real strong Les Paulish vibe - mahogany/humbucker sound. I jacked up the action with a new nut and it's been my favorite slide guitar for a long while, tuned BEBEG#BE - the extra low string lets you get some more Kottke bass lines going. But I wanted to sound more like Sonny Landreth, and less like Duane Allman (waaah :sad1:). The Fulldrive II can be set to shift the lower mids, upper mids and treble frequencies around - it actually sounds cleaner, the way I have it set. It's got some switching that chooses between the middy Tube Scream and the full-range 308 sound, like a Rat or a DOD250. It's doing what I wanted, at least. What a good OD pedal can do is just give you some choices of what happens when you play with a guitar's volume and switching, instead of the same tone all the time. They don't need to be set for full-on howl all the time (tho that has it's moments too :evil4:).
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I'm curious about when you try these pedals out.  Do you play it on the store gear or do you take atleast your guitar in?
good question as I think trying one at a store only lets you have some guy show you how it works
bringing one home and running it through your loop lets you have time to tweak it and experiment with it. seen lots of pedals sitting in closets that were must haves at stores.
About a year ago when I was trying out wah pedals, I wanted to try a Cantrell, but GC didn't have one.  I went with the Weeping Deamon.  I love playing on the Low Range setting...much darker sound and you can set it up so it doesn't get muddy. 
crash said:
About a year ago when I was trying out wah pedals, I wanted to try a Cantrell, but GC didn't have one.  I went with the Weeping Deamon.  I love playing on the Low Range setting...much darker sound and you can set it up so it doesn't get muddy. 

I got lucky and saw one at Sam Ash.  they must have stocked up for christmas.

I recorded some sounds but haveing issues converting it from a wav to mp3.

OK..gave it a shot.  I never knew playing and using the wah would take some PRACTICE!  It is hard to get the foot going to what you are playing.  If you listen...you can actually hear me "thinking."  Sometime I forgot to move my foot or it was moving too fast.

I recorded this with my Warmoth LPS with DiMarzio Breed in the bridge.  Mesa Transatlantic using amp only OD in to an Avatar 1x12 Celestion G12H30 70th Year Anniversary.  I used a POS mic to pick up the sound.

Some was not perfectr but you get the idea.