My Warmoth SG

Xplorervoodoo said:
Man that's a sweet SG...  Except for the floyd  :laughing7:

But seriously wicked axe man!

the floyd is the best part about it..
I usually don't like SG's.. (maybe because my first 2 guitars were SG copies)
but I love it with the W headstock and the FR!
wow that is one bad arsed SG!  love the look.  How are you going to wire it up with the switches and all?
Ok so if were to get an SG EXACTLY like this how would i do it? Because i thought flame maple didn't look like that? And that paint job is exactly what i want!
Neil Stryker X said:
wow that is one bad arsed SG!   love the look.   How are you going to wire it up with the switches and all?
First, thanks!  And I'm planning on 3 way toggle, with one master tone and each pickup having its own volume, so that the middle is on with each combination, but can be turned down/off.