
Mojotone 5e3 Tweed Deluxe amp head build

I guess I too was remiss by not inquiring how well your fingers are healing from the incidental soldering iron contact?!!
I had a scare last night; I tried plugging into a different cab (a Mills 2x12 with Eminence GB12s) and no sound came out! So I opened up the back panel of my amp and searched for an issue. Tubes were glowing, all the voltage test points were fine.

30 minutes later I discovered that I had plugged the speaker cable into the "Aux speaker" jack instead of the "speaker" jack. 😅
Did two simple mods from Rob Robinette's 5e3 mods website; the phase inverter grid stop resistor (supposedly smooths the overdrive, pretty subtle) and the three way negative feedback switch (not so subtle and adds a ton of versatility to the amp).

Stock, the amp is very squishy and dirties up quick. With the negative feedback switch engaged it's a good bit cleaner and tighter sounding. Both sound great, but with the NFB it makes a better pedal platform, which is generally how I run my amps.

Also the custom amp badge that I ordered came in the mail today yesterday! Ordered from Droplight Ltd. who did a great job, very high quality work.




(Willow and Mittens want to know what this big amp thing is doing in the middle of living room)


