
Modified a Boss DD-20 - the Giggity Delay

Supplies are in. Came close to ordering a can of Rio Yellow Honda paint for this, but I've got enough colors to choose from. Debating on going back to pure, Alpine White vs the metallic orange. Hate how dirt appears so easily on white, but the black pads and display bezels would just contrast so nicely. Good times ahead either, way. Also may toy with the idea of adding a glare resistant film over the LED display. Updates, soon. Lots of work ahead.
Primer coats laid down nicely.  After outgassing, we paint.  Going with the Orange color - the white shot chunks. Always test your paint prior to spraying.  I'd have been livid if this hit the chassis.


Looks like sag next to the holes beneath the pad bases, but it's the contour of the metal.
Not a bad day today. Decided to shoot the metallic orange a bit lighter to let some of the black primer work some texturizing magic.

The sun went down a little faster than I expected, so after this cures, I'll scuff her up and give her 2 more coats of clear.

Teaser. She's back together. Love it!  Still waiting on the other LEDs to arrive, but figure I'd throw a pic or two up.


New grommets. Restored silent operation and firm feel to pedals.

That looks really nice! Great job!

You ought to send the batch of pics you've got to Boss and tell them the story. Maybe they'll change the design so the next batch is better. Or, at least reconsider their use of aircraft landing lights for LEDs.
Thanks, man - came out pretty nice!  I have a feeling Boss would require waivers and Ray-Bans with each purchase.  Still bright, but no tout of step with the other stuff on my board.
Thanks, Doc!  I'm gonna do it all over in a bright, obnoxious color soon. It looks great close up, but looks brown from above!
fdesalvo said:
Thanks, Doc!  I'm gonna do it all over in a bright, obnoxious color soon. It looks great close up, but looks brown from above!

Neon green should do it!  :laughing7:
fdesalvo said:
Thanks, Doc!  I'm gonna do it all over in a bright, obnoxious color soon. It looks great close up, but looks brown from above!

I think it looks great as it is. But, if you must play, why not try a finish you might not otherwise see? It's a fairly small thingy. Shoot it with silver, then some shade of tinted clear over that. Maybe a transparent red with a drop of blue in it to get a pearlish candy/caramel apple, or something like that.
If you enjoy doing that sort of thing, I suspect you could make a small business out of it. I know Mission Engineering makes unusual finishes available for their controller pedals from time to time and charges a premium for the work. For instance, I have a couple pearl white units they did a run on for some famous guy I don't remember. What if you bought raw unfinished pedals from them and put Candy Apple Red, Pearlescent Purple, Metallic Black, Metal Flake Green, etc. on them? You could come up with a whole color chart. I'll bet guys would trip over themselves to get them. Crinkle black works, but it's been done to death.
I know Bruce from mission from back in the ampage days!  Haha been a while since I heard that name.

Man if you saw how small my condo is, you'd be astounded I was even able to paint this thing lol.