
Lots o' vintage guitars

I wonder who had to move all those cabinets and amps? :sad: :sad: :sad:
Better have a damn good chiropractor to go with those. :blob7:
Looks like a good collection, but I can't see there being a use for all of those

I’m sure his money is safer in those amps than it is in the stock market.  Vintage stiff is dropping in price but not real bad on quality pieces.  On top of that how much fun would it be trying to figure out which is the best sounding one? After it was all said and done you would have a pretty solid understanding of good tone.

You can never have enough good vintage amps!!!!!!  :icon_biggrin:
Tonar8353 said:
Looks like a good collection, but I can't see there being a use for all of those

I’m sure his money is safer in those amps than it is in the stock market.  Vintage stiff is dropping in price but not real bad on quality pieces.  On top of that how much fun would it be trying to figure out which is the best sounding one? After it was all said and done you would have a pretty solid understanding of good tone.

You can never have enough good vintage amps!!!!!!  :icon_biggrin:
Well, I guess I'm in a bad spot :P I've got none. Don't count yours. You've been counting one twice. So you have one less amp than you think.
I guess I can see how vintage amps are a solid investment. At the same time, it is a lot easier to have amps stolen or destroyed in accidents. So I don't know really, I figure putting all your eggs in one basket is a lousy idea, regardless of whether your 'basket' is vintage amps or securities...
Holy crap!  where the hell would you put all those!?!?

I'll just take one of each model thanks  :icon_thumright:
It's the old vintage italian ones that get me juiced up.

From fetishguitars.com


That's it..I need a Warmoth with 4 pickups...get the pen and paper, time to sketch the specs....  :icon_biggrin:
Those old Italian guitars are kinda junky IMO.  And good luck finding parts for one.  They do have a cool unique look that I'm down with though.
PitchShifter said:
Oh yeah, I'm more about the look than the quality of the bits.

have you ever checked out Eastwood guitars?
