
Lefty Doublenecks (back me up, willyk)


Senior Member
I would like see Warmoth produce a left-handed double neck guitar body.  One reason lefties gravitate to Warmoth is because they actually produce a full range of left-handed instruments. Not limited quantities of guitars with only basic features and colors like the "big boys".  Warmoth is an opportunity to make a truly custom instrument. But I'm preaching to the choir here because you all know that. Almost all of Warmoth's catalog is available in left-handed. So why can't we have a lefty double neck?  I'd also like to see the addition of an archtop "Soloist"  body in double neck (for both righty and lefty) with also the availability of a twelve string straight pull peghead in Strat, Jackson and Explorer styles.

I'd also like to see abalone added to the "custom inlay" option.

Ambitious, huh?  Think it'll happen?  :icon_biggrin:

I had suggested this in another thread....


even have pics I mocked up in photoshop

That's exactly what I want. A soloist double neck!  Cool PS mock up!  :icon_thumright: I like the SG, too. Looks like Rik Emmett's.
Back you up?  Sure TJ I'm all in favor of equal opportunities for lefties :headbang: I know we do alright with Warmoth compared to just about anywhere but I don't see why we shouldn't be able to have double necks and jaguar bodies available too. As for ambitious? ......I won't hold my breath! :laughing7:
Jeez, we STOP burning you southpaws at the stake 300 years ago, and now you want DOUBLENECKS????

What the heck ELSE do you people want?

Just kidding. One of my Warmoth wishes was fulfilled the other day, A rear-routed Tele body that was not, repeat, NOT, routed for a neck pickup. It lasted less than 6 hours before it was sold. I'm hoping the Warmoth staff took notice.

At any rate, I raise my glass to all you sinister folk. May all your Warmoth wishes come true.

Hey, this guy didn't need no wussy lefty guitar:



Seriously, though, they should be able to do that...if you call them maybe they'll accommodate you.  After all, it's just a matter of mirroring a pattern they already have.

What I'd REALLY like to see is an SG doubleneck like Jimmy's.  :headbang1:

dbw said:
Hey, this guy didn't need no wussy lefty guitar:


Ah Jimi, God bless him and his upside down right handed machinery. I'd love a buck for every time I've heard that said.  :laughing7: :laughing7:
Remember those "Hendrix" for righties models that Fender put out? What a howler! A left handed 68 reissue set up right handed and a mirror image decal so right handed wannabejimis could read the logo while they looked at themselves playing lefty :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:
I don't mean to insult anyone who bought one but I really cannot understand why anyone would want to play a guitar upside down unless they had to.. anyway "here's to him!"  :occasion14:
Like ole Jimi, I think all us lefties have had to play a right-hand guitar as a matter of necessity. I started out on a righty Yamaha with the nut reversed.  :icon_biggrin:
Staying off topic,  Do Not Forget Albert King!  Lefty, playing a righty upside down, without restringing!  And he played chords on that thing. 
guitlouie said:
Staying off topic,  Do Not Forget Albert King!  Lefty, playing a righty upside down, without restringing!  And he played chords on that thing. 

As does/did Otis Rush, Dick Dale, Doyle Bramhall ll. Bob Geldoff and the dork from Air Supply :icon_biggrin: Not forgetting WillyK when I'm building a righty :icon_jokercolor:
"Ah Jimi, God bless him and his upside down right handed machinery. I'd love a buck for every time I've heard that said. 
Remember those "Hendrix" for righties models that Fender put out? What a howler! A left handed 68 reissue set up right handed and a mirror image decal so right handed wannabejimis could read the logo while they looked at themselves playing lefty 
I don't mean to insult anyone who bought one but I really cannot understand why anyone would want to play a guitar upside down unless they had to.. anyway "here's to him!"  "

two words: Steve Miller

bpmorton777 said:
"Ah Jimi, God bless him and his upside down right handed machinery. I'd love a buck for every time I've heard that said.   
Remember those "Hendrix" for righties models that Fender put out? What a howler! A left handed 68 reissue set up right handed and a mirror image decal so right handed wannabejimis could read the logo while they looked at themselves playing lefty   
I don't mean to insult anyone who bought one but I really cannot understand why anyone would want to play a guitar upside down unless they had to.. anyway "here's to him!"   "

two words: Steve Miller


The guitar player from Dire Straits (not Mark Knopfler) is seen in playing one in the "Walk of Life" video.
I think Dick Dale proved that there's a good reason to play a guitar upside-down.  :guitaristgif: :guitaristgif:  *humming Miserlou*  :guitaristgif: :guitaristgif: