
Krank n stein

WojTheElder said:

  Great body design with a perfectly matched headstock!   Just an amazing battle axe!

[ JaySwear,  I'm going to go with the overhead panel on a helicopter ... am I close? ]
Thanks Paul..... :headbang1:
I had aimed for both pup's to be creme, but I'm kinda diggin the one black one creme combo. Kinda fit's with the "Krank-n-Stein" vibe...... :headbang1:
your picture of the bass completely threw me! i thought it was yours and saw all the holes ready for some switch-madness.

and to WojTheElder: yes! a UH-1H Huey  :icon_biggrin:  it was the luck of google (i just typed "lots of switches") but they're really cool aircraft, and that was a great guess. are you a pilot?
A quote from Igor: Wait Master, it might be Dangerous... you go first.  :icon_tongue:

What a beauty Krank-n-Stein has grown to be.  I love the finish on that monster.  :hello2:
I saw a pic of an old B.C. Rich last week that had the same shape as your axe.  However, the overall craftsmanship was not even close.
Nice work... :icon_thumright:

JaySwear said:
your picture of the bass completely threw me! i thought it was yours and saw all the holes ready for some switch-madness.

and to WojTheElder: yes! a UH-1H Huey  :icon_biggrin:  it was the luck of google (i just typed "losts of switches") but they're really cool aircraft, and that was a great guess. are you a pilot?
Hahaha, nope not going to be any monster electronics with tons-o-switches, just plain and simple. 2 vol, 1 tone with a 3 way toggle.... :icon_biggrin:
bbl4ck said:
A quote from Igor: Wait Master, it might be Dangerous... you go first.  :icon_tongue:

What a beauty Krank-n-Stein has grown to be.  I love the finish on that monster.   :hello2:
I saw a pic of an old B.C. Rich last week that had the same shape as your axe.  However, the overall craftsmanship was not even close.
Nice work... :icon_thumright:
Thanks Bart..... :icon_thumright:
Hey Dangerous,
What's that new pistol your packin' there cowboy?  I like that stainless steel slide!
I am a Glock man myself!!!
bbl4ck said:
Hey Dangerous,
What's that new pistol your packin' there cowboy?  I like that stainless steel slide!
I am a Glock man myself!!!
Its a Kahr  PM.45, that's my conceal carry pistol. Also have 2 Desert baby eagles in .40 and a Walther P99 in .40.. :icon_biggrin:

yeah, it's a .177
but i love it.

something like ...?

DangerousR6 said:
Kahr PM.45

The rest of the kids.... :laughing7:

Hey Doug,

Nice family you have there!!!  :icon_thumright:
My carry & conceal is my Glock 26.  She is small but  holds 17 rounds of 9mm. 
I actually have the SS slide & barrel for mine on order which makes it look very similar to yours. 
If you can get by that, then I deserve to be shot!  :toothy12:
Orpheo said:
I find it so scary when people show off their guns. don't know why.

I never started carrying a weapon until I was forced by the state of Arizona to testify against an Iranian gentleman that forcefully  removed his girlfriend [my employee] from her worksite [hospital where I work].  He dragged her out of the building by her hair and repeatedly smashed her face into the steering wheel of her car because she did not do what he said.  Somehow after I was forced to testify in front of this gentleman it became much easier to justify protecting myself with a weapon.   
Orpheo said:
I find it so scary when people show off their guns. don't know why.
It's because you live in Australia, and your gov't has brainwashed the people to giving up their rights. That won't happen over here...

And moreover it's usually the people that you don't know that have guns that should scare you more....