

who should win

  • Total voters
Marko said:
I am sure that there are some immature persons that would make up a dupe account to screw with a poll.. but I think we know most of the contestants well enough to know that they wouldn't do that..

Is funny because is true!
I cant beleive there are three pages of threads on the validity of this...never thought my not catching the pool until 2 minutes after the deadline would have such an effect!!!!! :doh:

Looking at the votes now...everyting looks legit....and Marko makes some great points.  I fully trust most ofthe members here and seriously doubt that Jalane or Mayfly would do anything wrong.

If someone took the time to re-register and vote, we cannot stop that and never could in any of the other polls.  We have seen come from behind wins before.  I am simply trying to do what's right and honor some great looking guitars.

Until we have a different system that can track IPs, there is nothing we can do.  I feel the GOTM is an excellent method to showing off our hard work.

One more point...I CAN'T believe I only got three votes.....I guess that because I only have two accounts here....JUST KIDDING!!!!!!! :occasion14:
well the humor of it all, is that since say.. yesterday.. 6 accounts have been created here, and the only activity they have is "1 vote."

I don't think Jalene or Trevor have anything at all to do with it, and it is pretty funny. Of course they are constantly about almost tied too.. so it's not like one of them has 40 more votes than the other.

I still voted 312 times.
Douglas "Swish" Reemer: Oh, I'll come, I love hospitals.
Joseph R. Cooper: No you don't, you like Taco Bell!
Douglas "Swish" Reemer: No, one time I was at this hospital, in france, and I met this great chick.
Joseph R. Cooper: Dude, that was a hostel.
whoever can play and sing this simultaneously, wins...it looks like Les is winning, atm...

hachikid said:
whoever can play and sing this simultaneously, wins...it looks like Les is winning, atm...


I like this one better.  :laughing7:

eh, it's all Primus/Claypool. it's like asking me to pick my favorite Zappa or Becker tune. pretty much impossible for me since they all kind of are my favorites. hah.
Since y'all can't seem to come to a conclusioon, I say I win since I was runner up behind the tie.... :toothy12:
hachikid said:
it's like asking me to pick my favorite Zappa or Becker tune.

(High pitched irritating inquisitive child's voice incessantly asking) "What's yer favorite Zappa tune?" :toothy12:

lolz. also, can we stop the making accounts nonsense? I say we reset the pools, delete all "one vote activity" accounts, and temporarily ban the creation of new accounts for the next few days while the outcome is properly decided.
hachikid said:
temporarily ban the creation of new accounts for the next few days while the outcome is properly decided.

That's a TERRIBLE idea.

You want to stop people from joining this forum and asking questions and such so we can determine a winner?
"We're sorry but you're not welcome on our forum right now, as we are determining the proper results of our Guitar of The Month poll, which we do once a month for fun." :tard:
hachikid said:
lolz. also, can we stop the making accounts nonsense? I say we reset the pools, delete all "one vote activity" accounts, and temporarily ban the creation of new accounts for the next few days while the outcome is properly decided.

Have you smoke crack? :)
I'm the Nonsense here and what you said doesn't make sense even to ME!!
What's happening here with this forum???  :icon_scratch:

We've lost our sense of humor.
We've resorted to calling foul on votes for the GOTM.
Now we're talking about suspending new account registrations during GOTM voting.

Come on people, we are all better than this.  :doh:
Death by Uberschall said:
What's happening here with this forum???  :icon_scratch:

We've lost our sense of humor.
We've resorted to calling foul on votes for the GOTM.
Now we're talking about suspending new account registrations during GOTM voting.

Come on people, we are all better than this.  :doh:

For real. I think we should go with a tie, its 30 to 30 right now.
Death by Uberschall said:
What's happening here with this forum???  :icon_scratch:

We've lost our sense of humor.
We've resorted to calling foul on votes for the GOTM.
Now we're talking about suspending new account registrations during GOTM voting.

Come on people, we are all better than this.  :doh:


I suggest that only previous winners should be allowed to vote. The rest of you can private message amongst yourselves regarding the paranoia that we are finding ways to cheat.
Thus, we can divide the forum up into two social classes. The winners, who can select new members of their elite group, and the losers, who get no say in the matter, and also, are not allowed to post on the forum.
How does that sound to everyone? :tard: