
Its happening, we're buying the jewelry store.

I work in a restaurant.  A REALLY busy place.  The thing about restaurant work that I have noticed over the many years that I have been doing it is this:  Don't piss anyone off untill they get their food.  People who are hungry can be scary.  If you make a mistake, fix it right away, but wait untill they have eaten something before talking to them anymore about it.  They become much more reasonable after they have eaten.  My point is, when dealing with the public, you will undoubtedly find those who cannot be reasoned with, but as you ease into the new business, you will find those little idiosyncracies about your particular field that will make most day to day dealings smooth as a baby's butt.
Return of Guitlouie said:
People who are hungry can be scary.

Sooo true :laughing7:
One more: don't play with the food of fat people! How I know? I'm fat, I know the kind of hate that grows on the heart... put mayonesse on my fries and you'll see what I'm talking about :laughing7:

Hope everything goes fine VK!
Years ago I used to run my own catering business, and one problem is that "hating the man" is an enormously-important part of the human psyche, going back to slavery days, indentured servitude etc. Social structure demands that you hate your dickhead boss, and when YOU are the boss, it's, like, "there's a dickhead in my head, ordering me around"... it's an institutionalized structure of self-loathing! :help:

I still work for myself these days, but the medications have gotten so-oo much better. :hello2: :headbang: :blob7:
As usual, I'm late to the thread...
Congrats on the new business!  :icon_thumright:

Every once in a while a wierd customer will come around, but as Mayfly said, you'll have good days too. Probably more good than bad  :eek:ccasion14:

You are an inspiration to me in my time of clouded thoughts. I wish you well.  :hello2:
Return of Guitlouie said:
I work in a restaurant.  A REALLY busy place.  The thing about restaurant work that I have noticed over the many years that I have been doing it is this:  Don't piss anyone off untill they get their food.  People who are hungry can be scary.  If you make a mistake, fix it right away, but wait untill they have eaten something before talking to them anymore about it.  They become much more reasonable after they have eaten.  My point is, when dealing with the public, you will undoubtedly find those who cannot be reasoned with, but as you ease into the new business, you will find those little idiosyncracies about your particular field that will make most day to day dealings smooth as a baby's butt.
By the way, if I ever see your amp and all, you're cooking.
Vol. Knob said:

If you add Chicken & Waffles and maybe do a little check cashing, there will be no stopping you.