Last saturday, the day of my kid's birthday party, we lost our beloved cat of 5 years. She was about 16 as best as we could figure. The previous cat died suddenly when the kid was a year old. She was great with me, and I miss her spunk, but she was a bit high strung around strangers and kids and with toddlerhood right around the corner - it was something we worried about. Right before that cat died, I took her in for a vet visit, and while my cat is cowering in her cage wailing, this cat who lived at the vet's office jumps into my lap, right in front of her, and demands that I pet her. A month later, my cat dies suddently, and then two months after that, my wife (who hates cats) surprises me with the cat I'd talked about from the vet's office. (Though I'm not sure bringing a cat home from a cushy job at the vet's office to a house with a toddler could be called a "rescue")
She was everything you could ask a cat to be in a toddler/preschooler home. Patient to a fault. Super sweet. Although a bit stinky (poop that would peel paint off the walls and she had a chronic sinus infection and would blow snot EVERYWHERE in the house. When he got his big boy bed, she claimed it. We never ever had monsters under the bed, because well, we already HAD a monster that lived under his bed. One with razor sharp claws and wicked teeth and night vision eyes, fur, which cruelly devoured small helpless creatures for sport, and which could shoot vile streams of chemicals out either end of its body.... Sounds like a monster to me, and well - with monsters, habitat is the main thing. So, having a monster ALREADY under his bed meant there could be no others ones in the house.
The morning of the party she just wasn't eating. By later afternoon, we realized she was slipping away and we took her to the emergency vet, but there wasn't but one choice. The kid took it hard. His dad did too.
She was everything you could ask a cat to be in a toddler/preschooler home. Patient to a fault. Super sweet. Although a bit stinky (poop that would peel paint off the walls and she had a chronic sinus infection and would blow snot EVERYWHERE in the house. When he got his big boy bed, she claimed it. We never ever had monsters under the bed, because well, we already HAD a monster that lived under his bed. One with razor sharp claws and wicked teeth and night vision eyes, fur, which cruelly devoured small helpless creatures for sport, and which could shoot vile streams of chemicals out either end of its body.... Sounds like a monster to me, and well - with monsters, habitat is the main thing. So, having a monster ALREADY under his bed meant there could be no others ones in the house.
The morning of the party she just wasn't eating. By later afternoon, we realized she was slipping away and we took her to the emergency vet, but there wasn't but one choice. The kid took it hard. His dad did too.