
Hurt - Cover (The Didge Version)


Junior Member
Now this is a very special Cover of a Cover song and it therefore deserves some introductory words ...

Although I had some respect for Johnny Cash being a Country Music - Giant, his music never touched my heart ...
until I got in touch with his American recording-series.

Oh man, all this cover songs (country/rock/pop) with his broken voice, suffering from illness and this pretty spartan song arrangements! They are unique and worth listening still nowadays.

The hurt song, released in 2002, one year before he died, is a cover version of a song with the same name from the US-Rockband "Nine Inch Nails". And this cover is one of the seldom cover song which are by far more famous than then original (and better imo too).

With a bpm rate of 100 and its psychedelic Rock song arrangement, our Cover is somewhere in between the very dark Ninch Nails-original (82 bpm) amd the JC-cover (90 bpm).

A good old friend of mine contributes to this song with some Didegridoo sounds in the intro part. These Didges can generate a huge amount of low end frequencies !

The completely own song arrangement, the recording of all instrumental and vocal tracks gave this tune somehow its own musical soul imo.

It is always exciting for me to develop an organic sounding song arrangement by varying the dynamic and instrumentation along the song. A bit of an U2-vibe has also sneaking in along the developing process. That is something which just happens along the way ...

There is a slide guitar outro solo. I have used a WAH-effect to support to that desperate song mood. It is more about sound and atmosphere than pressing as many notes as possible into one bar  :icon_biggrin:

To cover the "empire of durt", old factory buildings came into my mind for the footage part.

All in all my duo partner and I feel the audio and footage parts as coherent. What do you think ?

Have fun while listening / watching:


wolbai  :icon_thumright:

Great work as always, wolbai! 

The backing vocals sound great.  Nicely done there. 

On the riff, are you doubling an acoustic and an electric, or working with a processor that gives an acoustic/electric simulation?  My sole critique of the recording would be that it sounds a little "emulated" there, but that's a matter of taste.  The rest is really excellent.  I like your choice to do the ride-out solo on slide.  It adds soul to the sequenced synth tracks. 

As always, thanks for sharing.  I always look forward to one of your videos.


@Bagman67 - Thanks for your good feedback :icon_thumright:

Congratulations! You have pretty good ears and you are listen carefully!
Otherwise you couldn't have heard that one of the main riff guitars was recorded with an acoustic guitar model of my Variax JTV69.

For recordings, I more and more prefer a real miced acoustic guitar (playing gigs is a pretty different story).
It is just warmer and has not the tendency to produce ear piercing high frequencies like modeled acoustic sounds sometimes can have.

But honestly: I was a bit too lazy to move into the rehearsal room to set up a miced acoustic guitar recording. Instead I recorded it at home directly into my home audio interface.

That is beautiful. As always, I enjoy your recordings. I liked the slide work you did. It added a little more depth to the whole.
I love that song, it's one of the favorites of my practice routine.  Really liked the slide work at the end of the recording, very cool touch!
Thx guys for your good feedback on our Cover of a great Cover  :icon_biggrin:

And thanks a lot too for your positive statements on the slide guitar as an outropart.

The Vocal line (which is pretty much oriented on the JC-Cover) is a bit "too happy" for those dark and depressing lyrics.

Although the tremendous success of the JC-Cover seems to cover that dilemma, I have still tried to add a bit more psycho-desperation (so to speak) to the overall song impression.

The psychedelic Intro serves the same purpose.

Thx Rick - I appreciate your feedback :icon_thumright:

A Didegridoo was always an inspiring instrument for me. They can produce pretty percussive Grooves.

But they also can generate a spharic and mystic vibe which I am in love with.

Somewhere in the future, I wanna do an own tune only with a Didge (and maybe also a Hang played by my New Zealand buddy), some keys and guitar(s).

But before, I have to finish our new Cover tune from Whitesnake  :icon_biggrin:

Like everyone else said, NOICE!  I really enjoy your music and that cover took some guts. I’m in the same boat about Cash.