If this one doesn't divide opinion...

Fat Pete

Hero Member
...then you'll all hate it!

Cheating a bit here as the body has been out of its box for a while but the neck has only just arrived.


Showcase body - chambered swamp ash on swamp ash, all 3 contours, sonic blue with natural masked binding. A bit of an impulse buy, though I'd been suffering from bad GAS for a solid colour/masked binding body since seeing some very nice examples here  - and sonic blue is a long-time favourite of mine.


I wasn't sure what sort of neck it was going to get, but when it actually arrived I realized that I had to do this:




Custom order neck - maple/indian rosewood (dark) 1 5/8, 24 3/4 conversion, Clapton contour, 6130 frets (would have gone for ss if they did this size) graphtech nut, pearloid blocks. Oh, and yes it is finished in sonic blue - yes, all over (apart from the fretboard as Spike pointed out when I ordered it. He was genuinely surprised - maybe horrified - when I specced the finish - probably not something that happens very often).






This one is inheriting some parts from a now abandoned thinline project - hence the hybrid guard. Pickups are a somewhat unusual pair from Catswhisker, a British hand-maker - more on these when it's been put together.

All nickel hardware - including (vintage-looking) Gotoh height-adjustable-post, magnum-locking tuners which look to be fiddly little suckers to set up and I'm not 100% convinced by the self/auto-locking idea but the quality looks and feels good so I'll give them a try.

Nobody in the UK seems to have nickel neckplates though so I might have to settle for a little chrome round the back or else get in touch with DangerousR6 to see if he can do anything with my logo in nickel. Am I obsessing over unimportant details here? No need to answer that.

Next appearance hopefully in the gallery section alongside all the other painted neck and block marker beauties - the new trend starts here.
that guitar seriously kicks ass. 

I don't see any opinion divide happening here.  GOTM I'm thinking.
I had my eye on that very same body, most likely! Glad it ended up in your hands though; you had the guts (and the pocket book) to order a neck worthy of all the awesome contours and binding. The hybrid pickguard really adds a clever extra touch of custom, -nothing about it seems to be an after-thought.

Pick-ups? I'm sure you'll get to all of that  :icon_biggrin:
Day-mun said:
Pick-ups? I'm sure you'll get to all of that  :icon_biggrin:

"Pickups are a somewhat unusual pair from Catswhisker, a British hand-maker - more on these when it's been put together."
Let me know if you find someone who's not really happy for you and supportive of your choices.  We'll all get together and wack 'em.  Beautiful axe you've gotten started there. Looking forward to progress and more photos!

Question. Did you order the body and neck together to match the color, did you do the paint yourself or did the W paint them seperately?
Mayfly said:
I don't see any opinion divide happening here.  GOTM I'm thinking.

Thanks all. I thought it might be fun to get a little disapproval from the raw neck/no inlay fans but I'll settle for comments like that.  :icon_biggrin:

mwbjr13 said:
Question. Did you order the body and neck together to match the color, did you do the paint yourself or did the W paint them seperately?

Warmoth finished showcase body and Warmoth finished custom order neck - that I ordered after receiving the body. The stuff on the website about only finishing/matching neck and body when ordered together - to quote Warmoth's sales manager Rob Rounds, "...mainly is for the dye finishes…. The solid colors are pretty set." I haven't got my spectrophotometer out (thanks google) to check how exact a match they are, but to my eyes they're the same.
That there is one fine instrument. Nicely done!  :eek:  :icon_thumright:  :hello2:  :eek:ccasion14:
... and THAT'S coming from a raw neck/no inlay believer  :laughing7: