I was thinking of you yesterday while I was out bear hunting.
I woke at 1.30 AM out of excitement and left at 3:00 AM for the woods which we finally hit at about 8:00 AM. The dogs struck a cold trail at about 8:35 AM and after a few more false starts they got on a bear at about 9:45 AM and treed him. He went into the top of a hollowed out tree so we never got a shot at him.
The next thrill came at about 1:00 PM when the dogs struck on a hot bear trail and the chase was on. We wound up with 8 dogs down in this huge canyon on what we believe was three different bears. We were sure two sets of dogs had separate bears treed so we sent one of the young tuff guys down into the bottom to sort it out at about 2:30 PM. He found two dogs on the chase of a huge Cinnamon Black Bear, which he saw but had no shot at because it was out of range of the pistol he had. He tried to stay up with those dogs and that bear since they are more dangerous to the dogs on the ground and he wanted to get him finished off. He wound up loosing both the bear and the dogs when they crossed a river so at about 3:30 PM he had to start making his way out of the canyon.
This is where it gets crazy. He is so far into the canyon that he can’t go back the way he came so he had to make his way out a different way, that means he does not even get out of the canyon until 5:30 PM and it is starting to get dark. We had communication with him on a short wave radio but we could not figure out where he was. It starts poring rain and then snowing and then fog shows up on the mountain and we can hardly see where we are driving. By 7:45 PM we are starting to worry that he might be getting hypothermia and I’m really freaked out. We had been shooting and honking horns trying to get him turned our way and at about 8

M he finally radios that he hears the horn and we get him in the truck with dry cloths and start pouring hot coffee down him. All is well, almost!
We lost the axel on one truck while we were coming out looking for out lost hunter and it had to be parked with a box full of dogs still needing picked up. Our other partners went back to see if the dogs would come out of the canyon and they said they could still hear two sets of them on different sides of the canyon with bears treed. They were doing that while we were looking for our guy so when we all met up we decided to head to town to gas up and come up with a game plan.
Three of us headed back home and two local guys went back up on the mountain to see if they could get the dogs out. They intended on spending the night in the woods and going in after the ones in the canyon if they were still on the bears this morning.
I crawled into to bed at 1:00 AM after almost 24 hours of adrenalin rushing through my veins. Bottom line, one lost hunter found, one broke truck, and 8 dogs still in the woods and 5 still in the broke down truck. The truck and dogs should all be out by the end of today and I’m going again as soon as I can.