
Hunting! Mr Doug can help, houpefully!

I don't own a gun, and wouldn't feel comfortable with one in my home.  But to be fair in this argument, I think it is important to note that the vast majority of gun crimes are committed with handguns, not hunting rifles.  Sure, sometimes people get killed in hunting accidents, but that results in a far lower number of deaths/injuries than from handguns. 

I think it is important to draw that distinction in the context of this particular forum discussion.

Now, as to whether people should kill animals at all for food, that is another question entirely.  I personally eat meat, so I can't condemn hunters.  Hunting is actually better for the environment than modern factory meat farming.  I won't hunt, but I can't blame others as long as they go about it responsibly.  After all, I fish, so thats really just another form of hunting.

I think Pete makes some enlightened points, thank you for that post.

And once again, cheers to the entire forum for keeping such an emotionally charged discussion pretty civil.  Everyone is making good points, on both sides of the debate.
what  a subject

First, I am extremely Pro Gun Rights

But guys, here is the problem

First, we are a Guitar builders Forum, this is a political Subject, leave it to the political Forums

Second, You cannot win with anti gunner they will never listen as the are not discussing this from facts but from FEAR

I guarantee that 95% of them would be to afraid to even pick a gun up, much less have one in the house, they argue someone will get hurt, How is the thing going to go off with a trigger lock on it? A responsible owner keeps his guns protected, locked up or with trigger locks. Now, I cannot talk about idiots who are more testosterone driven or criminals, But you will never get a criminal to give up his illegal drugs and knifes are legal and people get killed by those.

So, this is not an issue you win by discussion, It is an issue for the courts, and right now our courts are delivering us some nice pro gun rulings
A trigger-locked gun stashed separate from the bullets is less useful than a rock, unless your attacker's only weapon is harsh language and a disdainful stare. Then, you can have your cat attack him. They're good at that sort of thing.

Personally, when I reach for a gun, I expect to be able to make bullets come flying out of the end of it at very high speeds at any point I choose. When things have deteriorated to that point, it means I'm not going to have the time or inclination to go looking for accessories. You just don't reach for a gun on a whim. It has to be a life-threatening situation. If that's the case, you don't need permission from the wife/kids/government to protect yourself. You also don't have time or possibly even the ability to collect up various pieces from around the house. Everything needs to be in place RFN.
you wake up in the middle of the night, hearing someone in the living room, You grab your gun fully expecting to let bullets fly sneak into the living room see a shadow half way through a window, in the dark you let bullets fly and turn on the light, to see your daughters boyfriend in a pool of blood


you wale up in the middle of the night, hearing someone in the living room. You grab your gun fully expecting to let bullets fly and sneak into the living room see a shadow half way through the window, you hesitate to get a good look, and as you do the perp knowing anyone he meets is not friendly lets bullets fly and you di with your gun in your hand unfired

those are the 2 most likely things that will happen
Maybe if I was an idiot. It's poor practice to fire weapons at things you can't identify. Then, even if you can identify them, you have to be reasonably sure they're a threat. Someone who's prone to spraying bullets around with little or no provocation deserves whatever retribution they get.
Now we're starting to go off on the pro/con tangent.  I sense mod involvement coming on.

This thread started as a simple request from 'Nando asking about the possibility of going hunting in North America.  Now its sort of getting into the political aspect of things. 

I can understan why he posed his question in this forum.  There are a lot of North Americans on this forum and he was initially seeking information on hunting.  It stands to reason someone here could point him in the right direction.

But, as others have mentioned, us getting into a pro/con debate isn't going to change any laws or anyone's opinions, so perhaps we should keep to the spirit of the question that was originally asked and steer clear of the debate.
but to him, you are a threat, remember he has nothing to lose
that alone is why so many people get shot by criminals, they will use the gun
now, If they knew there was a armed person in the house they would not break in, go else where

that is why in rural areas where most of the population owns guns you do not see the crime you do in Cities where most guys depend on the cops for protection. They go for easy targets.

Un arming the populace will not deter crime, it will encourage it, criminals do not go after armed targets.
But having a loaded weapon at easy reach that does not have a lock on the trigger is asking for your grandchild to find it while you are visiting with your daughter and have something happen, Loaded weapons without a device to make them safe are a accident waiting to happen, be responsible and lock that gun
Guys, I'm with Dwight. This isn't Nando asking about the pros and cons of the legality of civilian gun ownership, he just wants to try hunting.

Yeah, Nando, I'd start at a range and see how you do.
Max said:
Guys, I'm with Dwight. This isn't Nando asking about the pros and cons of the legality of civilian gun ownership, he just wants to try hunting.

Yeah, Nando, I'd start at a range and see how you do.

How about a big +1.  (Need I say more??)

You should be able to go to the favella and buy any gun up to an AK-47 you have money to pay for.

Go to the Amazon, it's closer and you can hunt wild pigs or monkeys, remember you have to eat whatever you shoot!
The problem with the Amazon is there are a lot of things hunting you, not the least of which are disease-carrying bugs and illiterates carrying AK-47s. Plus, you're almost always about a million miles from any kind of civilization.
Cagey said:
The problem with the Amazon is there are a lot of things hunting you, not the least of which are disease-carrying bugs and illiterates carrying AK-47s. Plus, you're almost always about a million miles from any kind of civilization.
Lots of rare woods there though, for making exotic rain forest guitars...... :laughing7:
jackthehack said:

You should be able to go to the favella and buy any gun up to an AK-47 you have money to pay for.

Go to the Amazon, it's closer and you can hunt wild pigs or monkeys, remember you have to eat whatever you shoot!

If you are in Brazil and kill a wild animal and saw a forrest police arriving, kill him too... The time in jail you'll spend because of killing a people is smaller than killing a wild animal... And killing a people (except people SAW you killing) you'll be judged out of jail, if it's your first crime, killing wild animals has no bail.

Yes, if I go to a favela I can basically buy any gun BUT a tank, because it's a little big for carry inside a car... But I'd like to have legal guns, of course... And I'm seriously, think any gun you can think, they have in favela... Sometimes shows on TV the police getting Anti Aircraft .50 guns there, bazoocas, missiles, M4A1 and whatever you can think... Most of our police carry old .38 revolver, now they're start changing for pistols, shall be the .380 I believe... You can get the picture...

And thanks Max :D
What I don't like on vegeterians, anti-gun people, very religious, etc is that they get in a conversation of people that are oposite and try to convince they're wrong, no matter what you're talking about... I couldn't give a bigger flying freak to their opnion, because makes NO SENSE, even to ME get in a talk that you don't like the subject and all people have a opnion different than your and you try to make them swallow yours...

I don't do this crap to my friends that are religious, don't eat meat, don't like rock, etc...
DangerousR6 said:
Lots of rare woods there though, for making exotic rain forest guitars...... :laughing7:

I get all the exotic rainforest wood guitar parts for my babies on the back porch, where the dark brown diesel-powered UPS stork leaves them. I understand they're born in Puyallup, WA <grin>
Marko said:
NonsenseTele said:
What I don't like on vegeterians, anti-gun people, very religious, etc

in the US, the very religious are actually pro-gun
LOL, yea but try ti tell them you are pro gun but do not believe Jesus was god but some illegal working in your garden and they get real upset
They refuse to see that other religions believe as hard as they do, and in doing so as correct about being the true religion as they are.
That screws with them the most, telling them that a Buddhist is correct and they are not.
Anyway, the problem is there is no right or wrong, there is no universal book we call can point to saying what religion, what eating lifestyle, what sexual preference, what side of the gun debate is correct. Until we get a book that all of us agree on, then do not show me a book about your religion, it is as much a book of mythology as you call the book about mine.
And for that reason no one can win these debates, they are all built on personal beliefs, not truths.
My pro gun, pro abortion, agnostic, heterosexual ideas are mine, the next guy has his own, I cannot tell him he is wrong
I have a friend who hunts Deer and Pig with a bow and arrow, His dream is to go out and do it with a spear. Now somehow I do not see how that is fun, but he says that he wants to see how the early man had to do it.
I guess I am Lazy, I prefer a scoped rifle