
How Bout A Warmoth Raffle Guitar!!

Volitions Advocate said:
I've never heard of a dispute of the legality of a raffle.

Do a raffle at the church every thanksgiving for a turkey. never needed to buy a license or anything.

Sure, but that's not across state (if not international!) lines. There's all kinds of crazy laws you have to (maybe?) worry about.

I'm sure it is on the up and up, but it would be impossible for Warmoth to be sure without costly legal review. And why would they want to spend money and/or expose themselves to liability for something that would not provide any income?

Nah, it's best left on this forum.
exalted said:
Volitions Advocate said:
I've never heard of a dispute of the legality of a raffle.

Do a raffle at the church every thanksgiving for a turkey. never needed to buy a license or anything.

Sure, but that's not across state (if not international!) lines. There's all kinds of crazy laws you have to (maybe?) worry about.

I'm sure it is on the up and up, but it would be impossible for Warmoth to be sure without costly legal review. And why would they want to spend money and/or expose themselves to liability for something that would not provide any income?

Nah, it's best left on this forum.
But it WILL provide income. $800
But it's not a new source of revenue...and not a whole lot in the scheme of things. I would wager that's the reason you haven't seen any blue stars on this thread.  :icon_thumright:
OK so here is the plan since we don't know how much money we will generate or if the body, neck, etc will be avalible.

1. We start collecting money on the 5th of feb. I have a paypal account that is empty so all money that goes in is from this raffle
2. We will collect money for 14 calendar days
3. We will start a new thread with a list and as people buy tickets they will add there name to the list along with how many tickets they bought. (you may buy 3)
4. No discussions in the new thread it is to track tickets only any comments can be made here
5. At the end of 14 days we will see how much money is generated.
      A. Under $199 the winner will get a gift certificate
      B. $200 - $300 the winner will get a neck
      C. $301 - $400 winner gets a neck ($350 or less) and second named drawn for remaining amount on GC
      D. $401 - $600 winner gets a body
      C. $601 - $800 winner gets a bady and a neck
6. The drawing will be determined by the online dice method
7. After 14 days of ticket sales we will count the money and determin what the prize is. We will then vote for the neck or body to be raffled.
8. After the prize is determined we will buy it with the paypal money
9. Once the item is purchased we will set a date for the raffle.

anyone please add to this as you see fit

I just got a 15 dollar refund from an ebay auction, so there's 10 bucks in my paypal account ready to go.  :)

Even if it turns out to be something I can't use for myself (left-handedness), I'll build my wife a guitar or something. (or just sell it)
Also...there are a decent amount of finished bodies in the screamin' deals section for under 300.

Just a thought. :)
exalted said:
Also...there are a decent amount of finished bodies in the screamin' deals section for under 300.

Just a thought. :)

All thoughts considered I want this to be fun for all
Suggestion to this:
12. On the day of the online dice roll for obviouse reasons I DON'T want to be the person to press the button I would like a volunteer to be the one to actually press the button.

Use the dice to select someone who is in the raffle to do it...
stormbringer said:
Suggestion to this:
12. On the day of the online dice roll for obviouse reasons I DON'T want to be the person to press the button I would like a volunteer to be the one to actually press the button.

Use the dice to select someone who is in the raffle to do it...

great idea....but I don't want to be that guy either LOL
OK I checked this out and it is cool. I think this is total fair.


anyone that is participating needs to register at this site. Once you do you can veiw the rolls. Once you view the "roller" it has a "name" sections and a "action" section. On the day of the roll we will have some one roll. Their name will be in the name section. When it is the actual roll then in the action section we will write "Official Warmoth Roll" and that will be the final say all end all and a winner will be decided.

I encourage everyone to sign up now and try it out so all will have confidence on how this is ran.

Ok the question was asked how we asign numbers so here is the fairest way I can think of so this is how it will be done.

I will creat a excel sheet with 3 columns:
column a will have first name
column b will have last name
column c will have the formula =rand()

First step is to enter all names of participants you will get one line per ticket bought.
next sort by last name so all names are in alphabetical order
next sort by column c (which will have a unique random number) this will sort the entire list randomly
a screen shot of the excel sheet will be posted so everyone will know what everones number is.

With that White-Wolf dice roller, you have to go in certain intervals.

1-4, 1-6, 1-8, 1-10, 1-12, 1-20, or 1-100.

Now you can add multiples to it, such as 2-40 (two 1-20's). But you can't assign everyone a number like 5,209 or something like that. It'll need to be within a certain range, with that range depending on the number of tickets purchased.
well if you use multiple dice, then no one can have a number lower than the number of dice. I think we should only use one die - and just roll it until it hits a number in the range.
exalted said:
With that White-Wolf dice roller, you have to go in certain intervals.

1-4, 1-6, 1-8, 1-10, 1-12, 1-20, or 1-100.

Now you can add multiples to it, such as 2-40 (two 1-20's). But you can't assign everyone a number like 5,209 or something like that. It'll need to be within a certain range, with that range depending on the number of tickets purchased.

After excel sorts by column c all of the names will still be on rows 1-80 for example, but just be in a random order. The number asigned to name will simply be the row the name ended up on.

Does this make sense? It is actually very simple but maybe hard to explain or visualize
GoDrex said:
well if you use multiple dice, then no one can have a number lower than the number of dice. I think we should only use one die - and just roll it until it hits a number in the range.

I was going to disagree, but then I realized if we use multiple dice, the bell curve would be an issue, so you're right. 1d100 would be best (or 1d20 if not many more people sign up).