
How Bout A Warmoth Raffle Guitar!!

1. ocguy106 (Ken Tipton) tenative if board can aggree how to do it without a conflict of interest
2. sundin4prez( jessie plewe) 
3. nathan aldrich
4. stormbringer (Brandon Arnold)
1. ocguy106 (Ken Tipton) tenative if board can aggree how to do it without a conflict of interest
2. sundin4prez( jessie plewe) 
3. nathan aldrich
4. stormbringer (Brandon Arnold)
5. DocNrock (Brent Jackson)
I'm All In,  someone pick and buy a body neck combination, and figure out how to collect money,

I prefer to have the Body and neck picked out, I dont wanna gift certificate, this way you get something you might not normally pick out, but still get a great set of stuff.

As far as legal? who cares, lets do it anyway, ask for forgiveness later,  The damn govt has too many other big problems to worry about

I guess we could call it a charity fund raiser if we give $10 to someone,  though I wouldn't care if the guy that hosted the sale made $1000 as long as I get my stuff for a $10.00 ticket
1. ocguy106 (Ken Tipton) tenative if board can aggree how to do it without a conflict of interest
2. sundin4prez( jessie plewe)
3. nathan aldrich
4. stormbringer (Brandon Arnold)
5. DocNrock (Brent Jackson)
6.DangerousR6(Doug Shepard)
Guys , this is such a great Idea, I'm in at any level, gift certificates, popular pick, it don't matter, I'm in for $100.00 a month weather it's 1 a week or 1 a month.

to the guy that hosts this event, you might end up making a bunch of money if something like this takes off, Imagine selling $10,000 a month in tickets for $1500 dollars worth of stuff

I might even offer up my Frankenstrat for bid, I mean raffle
definatly not looking to make any money but I just think it would be really cool to win a guitar that the form picked out....hey maybe even get Doug to through in a custom Warmoth Raffle Plate that would be cool.
1. ocguy106 (Ken Tipton) tenative if board can aggree how to do it without a conflict of interest
2. sundin4prez( jessie plewe)
3. nathan aldrich
4. stormbringer (Brandon Arnold)
5. DocNrock (Brent Jackson)
6.DangerousR6(Doug Shepard)
7. Guitlouie (Gregg Ledoux)
1. ocguy106 (Ken Tipton) tentative if board can agree how to do it without a conflict of interest
2. sundin4prez( jessie plewe)
3. nathan aldrich
4. stormbringer (Brandon Arnold)
5. DocNrock (Brent Jackson)
6.DangerousR6(Doug Shepard)
7. Guitlouie (Gregg Ledoux)
8. GoDrex (Gary Drechsel)

still not seeing how this can be done fairly over the internet. :icon_scratch:


I guess I'm an idiot for not understanding how this will work.

Generally at a raffle I get to be there (or if not a bunch of others are) and see the ticket when it gets picked - so hopefully it's on the up and up.

I'm sure ocguy is a terrific trustworthy guy - but forgive me if I'm slightly skeptical of how this will work. Maybe it's 8 years of the Bush Administration, or maybe it's my years in the radio biz repeatedly hearing the voice over about employees and their families not being eligible.

How about this idea -  - everyone on this board just chips in for a gift cert for me and just PRETENDS that it was a raffle. Hehehehe :laughing7:
GoDrex said:

I guess I'm an idiot for not understanding how this will work.

Generally at a raffle I get to be there (or if not a bunch of others are) and see the ticket when it gets picked - so hopefully it's on the up and up.

I'm sure ocguy is a terrific trustworthy guy - but forgive me if I'm slightly skeptical of how this will work. Maybe it's 8 years of the Bush Administration, or maybe it's my years in the radio biz repeatedly hearing the voice over about employees and their families not being eligible.

How about this idea -  - everyone on this board just chips in for a gift cert for me and just PRETENDS that it was a raffle. Hehehehe :laughing7:

HAHA,lets not get into politics bro..I need to spend some money before they takle it away from me..lol..Anyway,my thoughts would be have a mod take donations through paypal and then have some sort of random drawing from there.There prolly is a way that you can do it on the internet,as far as drawing a name.Even if the 800.00 total is reached,I think you coud have a back up plan for that.
It's too bad Warmoth doesn't do Paypal because we could probably all just send them the cash and not have to worry about sending it to some moderator. 
Sounds interesting, but how would us Internationals join in?

We 'donate' for the final 'prize fund' and then if we win, we cover the shipping to wherever?
Could work I guess?

jimh said:
Sounds interesting, but how would us Internationals join in?

We 'donate' for the final 'prize fund' and then if we win, we cover the shipping to wherever?
Could work I guess?

I think having to pay for shipping should be a given for everyone.
I hate to show my true colors here (lifelong nerd), but there is a way to generate a random number on the internet and have everyone see what it was, fair and square.


You have to sign up (only takes a second), and then you choose a type of dice to roll. The result of your roll is then recorded on the website for all to see for a short time.

You could assign everyone a set ticket number and then decide on a specific date/time for the drawing to happen. Everyone logs into that web page, and you roll. If you sold 80 tickets, then a d100 (100-sided die) is the best choice to roll. If it comes up 81-100 (numbers no one has a ticket for), then just reroll until you hit a winning number.

Or if your afraid of the bell curve (I don't *think* White Wolf's RNG builds that in), assign ticket numbers 10-90 to avoid the extremes.
Ok,I had to modify my original post.Re-post with name added.
. ocguy106 (Ken Tipton) tentative if board can agree how to do it without a conflict of interest
2. sundin4prez( jessie plewe)
3. nathan aldrich
4. stormbringer (Brandon Arnold)
5. DocNrock (Brent Jackson)
6.DangerousR6(Doug Shepard)
7. Guitlouie (Gregg Ledoux)
8. GoDrex (Gary Drechsel)
9.sbk12(Wesley Novak)

I am all for that....if we do the dice roll does anyone have an objection if I join in on the raffle? If anyone objects I will sit out

With pre-assigned numbers, it'd be fair enough.

Of course, unless you do a gift cert, I'm not interested, and my opinion doesn't really matter.  :icon_thumright: