BigBeard said:
I was skimming through the 'luthier supply' category on Ebay and came across several of these 'diy guitar kits' I was wondering if anybody has ventured into one of these? I mean they look like a decent platform for building an axe, and if the machining on the wood is decent, I don't see why they couldn't be built into some seriously nice guitars. I am guessing that the hardware and pickups are junk, and obviously would need to be upgraded..... and the cheap stuff could be re-sold to maybe fund a six pack of Jacob's Best or maybe Natural Ice or some other rot gut beer!!!! No, seriously, I was just wondering if it is a total waste of $140 or if there is something there to work with. If there is something to work with there, I just may pick one up and build it.
Anybody have any opinions on these kits? I'm curious........
Hey Bigbeard, did you end up buying one of these Ebay kits?