
Has anybody had any experience with some of these DIY guitar kits on Ebay?

jwl68th said:
  I put together a Strat and a Tele kit from Saga a couple of years ago. You are correct about the hardware and electronics, they were pure crap. If I remember correctly I think the only thing I saved from the hardware was the bridges from both kits. The bodies were both three piece and sealed with god knows what.

My Strat kit was a trainwreck. The routing in the body was off/too big so there were gaps showing when the bridge and output jack plate were installed.The bridge also looked like it was positioned wrong so I moved it. Turns out _I_ measured wrong so I have to move it back now. The nut had no slots cuts in it so I had to do that. I did an ok job, only one string needs work further from what I can tell. The good news is there was zero sealer on the body so it took stain alright, and the neck had the Fender shape cut in it already so I didn't have to deal with that.

What else... ok, the thing hummed like a banshee. The neck needs work, at least one of the frets is high so it's kind useless above about the 15th fret IIRC. The strings on it lasted all of about an hour and half before one broke when I tried a bend. To be fair, they had been in the box for 25 years (literally) so no huge surprise they didn't last long, But, by then I had already started my Warmoth Strat build so needless to say the Saga got shove3d into a closet and hasn't been seen since. I'm thinking I may make a slide guitar out of it...
See I knew that someone on here would have tried these!!!!  Thanks for the info so far guys, keep it coming and why not post your builds of non Turtle stuff, it's still guitar building, which is just as relavent on this board as any guitar building board.

Well, after talking with the finance department she says I can do a SG and the JR!!!!  I said, "Hey Baby, you mind if I build another guitar?"  She said, "How much?"  I said, "Like $150"  then she followed up with, "What not a grand?  Go ahead and build two of them then!!"  I do have a cool wife, I must say!!!  I will be doing some ordering on friday!!

I just noticed that LPJR's aren't symetrical..... I thought they were....... Thought I'd have an easy lefty flip there....... Oh well, nothing me and the bandsaw can't fix.  I am more interested in the Gibson scale and neck joint than anything.  Hopefully the mahogany in these kits is somewhat acceptable looking so I can do a trans finish on them....... and if not, I am thinking of some of those classic gibson colors, like the red you always see SG's done in.  Don't know how I'm gonna do the JR yet, I'm hoping to do that in clear actually, and throw a T-Bridge on it with the P90.  I've never played with a P90, what do they sound like?  And who makes a decent one?  Can I get a Duncan? 
Different P-90's can sound drastically different. So it depends on what you're going for with it - super aggressive attack? fat single coil? "raw" sounding?

Remember, whenever you ask about PU's, 800 people will just tell you what they like and trash everything else, especially if you don't specify exactly what you want.
drewfx said:
Different P-90's can sound drastically different. So it depends on what you're going for with it - super aggressive attack? fat single coil? "raw" sounding?

Remember, whenever you ask about PU's, 800 people will just tell you what they like and trash everything else, especially if you don't specify exactly what you want.

Ok, well variety is the spice of life so they say, right?  Well I have a strat, so I have that single coil sound, and I have my WGD with the HB Dimarzio's.  So what I guess I am looking for if you understand this, is something that sounds like a P90 would.  I'm sure there is a P90 sound?  I could be wrong, these pickups are a mystery to me..... I mean I've seen them in action and what have you, but I don't know what you would call the P90 sound.  So that's what I'm gonna go for, that way also, it's pretty tough to be dissapointed, not having expectations.  You know of any 'famous' stuff recorded with a P90 that I could listen to?  Any musicians use these as a part of their signature sound?  I mean I know nothing of how these sound.  Please Drew, educate me man!
BigBeard said:
drewfx said:
Different P-90's can sound drastically different. So it depends on what you're going for with it - super aggressive attack? fat single coil? "raw" sounding?

Remember, whenever you ask about PU's, 800 people will just tell you what they like and trash everything else, especially if you don't specify exactly what you want.

Ok, well variety is the spice of life so they say, right?  Well I have a strat, so I have that single coil sound, and I have my WGD with the HB Dimarzio's.   So what I guess I am looking for if you understand this, is something that sounds like a P90 would.  I'm sure there is a P90 sound?  I could be wrong, these pickups are a mystery to me..... I mean I've seen them in action and what have you, but I don't know what you would call the P90 sound.  So that's what I'm gonna go for, that way also, it's pretty tough to be dissapointed, not having expectations.  You know of any 'famous' stuff recorded with a P90 that I could listen to?  Any musicians use these as a part of their signature sound?  I mean I know nothing of how these sound.  Please Drew, educate me man!

This guy has a signature sound with P90s:

When I think of p-90 sound I think of Pete Townsend from Live At Leeds


Well, you might know Jerry played P-90 equipped guitars (Les Pauls and SG's) at various times in the period before moving to the strat ('67-'71). I think on Live Dead he was using a P-90 equipped SG.

Pete Towshend's SG on Live at Leeds.
The Beatles used P-90 equipped Epi Casino's in the middle of their carreer (I think that aggressive Revolution sound was the Casino).
Robbie Krieger with the Doors

You can see a list of famous players here:
drewfx said:
Well, you might know Jerry played P-90 equipped guitars (Les Pauls and SG's) at various times in the period before moving to the strat ('67-'71). I think on Live Dead he was using a P-90 equipped SG.

Pete Towshend's SG on Live at Leeds.
The Beatles used P-90 equipped Epi Casino's in the middle of their carreer (I think that aggressive Revolution sound was the Casino).
Robbie Krieger with the Doors

You can see a list of famous players here:

You know, I never really took the time to notice these pickups.  I always took for granted that on these recordings you guys mentioned that they were using humbuckers, but that explains a ton to me.  No wonder I can't nail that Robbie Krieger tone with my DiMarzios!!  I knew Pete used them.  No ideaa that George Thorogood used them.  Thanks guys.  Got some listening to do!!!  Now I know I definately NEED one!!!!
DesmoDog said:
I'm putting together the 12 string tele kit from this place right now, I've got a build thread going over on the Telecaster forum but didn't do one here since it seems about as far from a Warmoth as one could get. I'm not sure if posting links to other forums is kosher here?

I'm a bit worried the neck is going to be junk. The fret work is pretty rough, it seems like they beveled the edges of the neck too much, and the wood itself has a few small knots in it and isn't great looking.

BUT - it only cost $139 with shipping so I figured what the heck, it would give me some practice doing wood finishing and was a cheap way to play with a 12 string to see if I really wanted to spend serious money on one. I'm considering a 12 for my next Warmoth build.

As a little background, in general I don't like Teles, I don't like all maple necks, and the last cheap kit I built (A 25+ year old Saga) was total junk so I swore I wouldn't do it again. I bought this in part to challenge some of those opinions. FWIW now that I've started workgin on this, I don't mind Teles (could see myself owning another, maybe a thinline) I still don't like all maple necks, and the verdict is still out on the cheap kit thing.

A few pics:



And now I'm realizing I'm really late for work so need to get a move on. It's 25 minute drive, and I'm suppose to be there 2 minutes ago. Hmmm... but it's my birthday and my boss is out of the country so THHPPPPTTT!   :occasion14:    :party07:
Looks pretty cool, I love both my tele's, but mine are METAL Tele's.... :headbang1: And I love all maple necks, especially with just a light oiling and a good rub down with some #0000 steel wool, slick as owl shyt....

Pretty sweet tho, that even has binding on it, but one concern I see is the neck pocket. Looks like it's cut for a strat and the neck heel is flat like a tele.... :icon_scratch:
DangerousR6 said:
Looks pretty cool, I love both my tele's, but mine are METAL Tele's.... :headbang1: And I love all maple necks, especially with just a light oiling and a good rub down with some #0000 steel wool, slick as owl shyt....

Pretty sweet tho, that even has binding on it, but one concern I see is the neck pocket. Looks like it's cut for a strat and the neck heel is flat like a tele.... :icon_scratch:

Doug, how slick is owl shit anyway?  :laughing7:

Wasn't I reading on here somewhere that a tele neck heel can be sanded down to fit a strat neck pocket?  I bet you could, and I don't think it would even mess up the intonation unless you went crazy with the belt sander!  Just knock the corners off and leave the end of the profile at the end of the board, should fit right in there.  Kinda why I want to do a Gibby style guitar, whole different set of worries!
BigBeard said:
DangerousR6 said:
Looks pretty cool, I love both my tele's, but mine are METAL Tele's.... :headbang1: And I love all maple necks, especially with just a light oiling and a good rub down with some #0000 steel wool, slick as owl shyt....

Pretty sweet tho, that even has binding on it, but one concern I see is the neck pocket. Looks like it's cut for a strat and the neck heel is flat like a tele.... :icon_scratch:

Doug, how slick is owl shite anyway?   :laughing7:

Wasn't I reading on here somewhere that a tele neck heel can be sanded down to fit a strat neck pocket?  I bet you could, and I don't think it would even mess up the intonation unless you went crazy with the belt sander!  Just knock the corners off and leave the end of the profile at the end of the board, should fit right in there.  Kinda why I want to do a Gibby style guitar, whole different set of worries!
Pretty slick, strat necks will fit in tele pockets, but tele necks won't in strat pockets. Or it's said they may not intonate correctly, not sure how a tele neck would work if the end of the heel would be reshaped, it may have a negative affect on the scale... :dontknow:
The Tele neck/strat pocket look on the kit is just an illusion, the neck actually fits the pocket suprisingly well. CNC is a good thing apparently...
BigBeard said:
 Hmmmm  maybe we should all buy one of these and see how goes it?  Another build off contest with 40 micro managed rules and nothing to actually win!!  Everybody can get pissed at everybody across the board then!   :icon_tongue:

jackthehack said:
BigBeard said:
 Hmmmm  maybe we should all buy one of these and see how goes it?  Another build off contest with 40 micro managed rules and nothing to actually win!!  Everybody can get pissed at everybody across the board then!   :icon_tongue:


Ha, I'll keep you updated regarding my progress with the spalted LP.
Y'know... for as little as these things cost, you could have one or two that are set up to do very specific things, like have an oddball tuning and/or setup. For instance, a Nashville-tuned guitar needs more than just different tuning, it needs wildly different strings, so you can't just retune a standard setup on a whim if you need that sort of sound. Same with slide setups. Not only (usually) a different tuning, but it's better if your string height is set kinda high, and maybe with heavier strings than you might otherwise use. Again, not something you do on a whim. But, who wants to take a great playing guitar and limit its use that much? So, take one of these and do it. Doesn't need to be a dream instrument because you're only going to use it once in a blue moon.
So I pulled the trigger on the LPJR double cut kit....... Should be here in about a week.  Now comes the fun of picking out a P-90 and some sort of interesting wiring setup.  I am thinking of either the Seymour Duncan Hot Soapbar or the P90 Stack.  I am thinking I want something with 4 conductors for a little tonal variation.  I am also thinking of installing an EMG-AB "Afterburner variable gain booster" along with a TRS effects loop in the guitar, fed out through a strapjack like an acoustic, to hide the effects loop visually.  I am going to slightly modify the body, to make it symmetrical as possible.  I also want a sort of vintage vibe to the guitar.  I am thinking of finishing it in the same red and black grain filler that I did on my recent Strat project, also I think that would mimick the cherry red finish on the classic LPJR's.  On the other hand, my mind is going another direction with this project and thinking TV yellow, maybe with black grain filler?  I have this black grain filler that I want to use up before I open it up one day and find it all dried up!  Don't know exactly which direction I will go with color, today I am leaning towards TV yellow and black filler.......Or maybe no black filler, not sure yet.......

Thoughts?  Comments?
BigBeard said:
So I pulled the trigger on the LPJR double cut kit....... Should be here in about a week.  Now comes the fun of picking out a P-90 and some sort of interesting wiring setup.  I am thinking of either the Seymour Duncan Hot Soapbar or the P90 Stack.  I am thinking I want something with 4 conductors for a little tonal variation. 
Thoughts?  Comments?

Of those 2 PU's, I'd go with the stacks. But I'd get something more in the "vintage P-90" realm, as some P-90 variations (like the HB sized SD Phat Cat I put in one of my guitars) lose the raw, aggressive P-90 magic.

Looking forward to see how this one turns out.
drewfx said:
BigBeard said:
So I pulled the trigger on the LPJR double cut kit....... Should be here in about a week.  Now comes the fun of picking out a P-90 and some sort of interesting wiring setup.  I am thinking of either the Seymour Duncan Hot Soapbar or the P90 Stack.  I am thinking I want something with 4 conductors for a little tonal variation. 
Thoughts?  Comments?

Of those 2 PU's, I'd go with the stacks. But I'd get something more in the "vintage P-90" realm, as some P-90 variations (like the HB sized SD Phat Cat I put in one of my guitars) lose the raw, aggressive P-90 magic.

Looking forward to see how this one turns out.

Drew, Thanks man,  I am definately looking for the "classic P-90 sound" with this guitar.  Not only is the my first jump into a Gibson inspired project with the set neck and what-have-you, but it will also be my first P-90 guitar.  And since I am trying to keep the extremely simple vibe with this guitar that Gibson had when they came out with it, I will be striving for the P-90 sound even more!!!  I do think that I am going to try to re-wind the jap scrap PU that comes with the kit, just to try re-winding my own pickup!  I have an old sewing machine that I am gonna try to convert into a pickup winder, so that should prove interesting. 

Next week I am gonna order me a SG kit too, I ordered this one cause the auction was ending and I didn't want to hit one pay with two guitars!!  The SG will be right handed and is for sale!  (although I think it's spoken for, hopefully!)