
Has anybody had any experience with some of these DIY guitar kits on Ebay?

Well I haven't done a setup on it yet other than a rough adjustment of the saddle hieghts, but I can report that as of last night (technically early this morning I guess...) the 12 string kit is playable.

Tru-oil neck finish. Duplicolor Arctic white body with Deft gloss clear that I didn't let set up long enough before polishing/assembling. Ready to be strung up and tuned. The fun begins!

About two hours later it looked more like this:

Did I mention I REALLY like locking tuners, like on my Warmoth Strat? And I don't so much like old school tuners, like on this eBay build?

I suppose I should wait until Ihave it more dialed in to comment, but I'm bored at work so here's the deal so far. Various details, in no certain order.

No instructions with the kit. Not a big deal but it would have been nice to have a wiring diagram for the switch and some guidance on which string goes where. The strings aren't marked it's guess your best for those with no way to measure them. The ebay shop did e-mail directions for a different (six string) kit and a picture to go by when wiring it, but the picture was pretty much worthless. I broke out the ohm meter and figured it out myself. Not difficult but for someone not too familiar with electrickery (me) it wasn't straight forward.

The kit only had 11 strings with it. I had a spare of the missing size so no biggie, but still.

The screws for the bridge are too small for the holes in the body. I bought bigger ones. Also, the middle rear mounting hole on teh body was in the wrong spot. Had to fill/redrill it.

The pick guard is hacked, the edges are rough and the neck cut out seems to be for a strat while the neck and neck pocket are both more Tele shaped. In the second photo if you look at the heel of the neck you can see the gap. I sense a GFS guard in my future.

It needs string trees but they're not included in the kit. Just for yucks I tuned it up to standard EADGBE tuning and still the G string pops out of the nut easily. I sense a Floyd-style string retainer in my future. I know eBay has the stock Fender part but it's ~$20 compared to a GFS retainer for more like $5.

As for how it all works...

I can't adjust the saddle heights as low as I'd like - either the neck needs to be adjusted (I haven't even checked how flat it is yet) or maybe shimmed? I dunno. Action isn't horrible but it's higher than I like.

Sounds decent unplugged. I didn't get to play it through an amp, but trying to record it to Garage Band it sounded pretty bad. I think that has more to do with my recording set up and the fact I haven't adjusted the pick up hieghts yet than it does the pickups themselves. According to a guy on the Tele forum, the pickups are actually decent, considering.

The tuners are pretty rough. They work, but smooth isn't a word I'd use to describe them. (It's a $139 kit for cripesakes, I expect to have more than that in just tuners if I do a 12 string Warmoth build!)

The neck seems to work much better than I expected. The nut seems decent as is. The only string I noticed that doesn't seem to ring out that well is one of the G strings, and that may well be improved with the addition of a string tree.

With the little bit of time I've had with it so far I'd have to say it was a success. My main purpose was to get something cheap to see if I liked playing a 12 string. This should be more than good enough for that, and I'm into it for under $200 so far.  :icon_thumright:

I do reserve the right to modify my opinions once I'm further into the set-up though...

EDIT: I just noticed the second picture makes it look like it has binding on the front and back of the body. It only has it on the top. What looks like binding on the back is actually just a shadow.
Update - There was no way the G string would stay in place with no string tree, so tonight I ordered a floyd style string retainer from GFS, along with a pick guard (single ply black) and some strap buttons. The buttons in the kit are wimpy, with teeny little screws to hold them on.

I also considered ordering a real Fender string retainer for a 12 string, they're on ebay for $20. I wasn't sure if it would block access to the truss rod nut though? It's in the heel on the guitar they came on... I decided I'd wait and see how the floyd thing works.

Yeah, that whole waiting thing lasted about five minutes before I took the guitar off the wall and brought it downstairs. I thought I could throw something together until the real parts got here. But... I didn't know where the screws would go for the one I ordered... so I decided to put something together that didn't need to be screwed down. Did it all freehand since it was intended to be temporary... ended up with this:


Forgive the low quality photo and hack string winding on teh tuners, I got some learnin to do, i know. But it gets the idea across. Pretty simple design really, bent some rod, drilled a couple holes in some metal, ground to shape, brazed it together, and there ya go. A string tree that requires no screw holes to be drilled. It's no work of art but hey, it's a sub-$200 guitar! It's not like any of the other solutions look all that elegant either.


I wasn't sure this would be enough of an angle for everything but it seems to work. If I need more of an angle, I can add material to the cross bar. While I was working on it I decided I kinda like this idea. I think I'll ditch the floyd retainer and go with something like this instead. Build another with a little more attention to detail. Or I might be able to clean this one up enough to keep as a permanent edition? I've been meaning to plate some bike stuff, I could toss this in there too...
Thanks. Someone said they thought it'd look better if it was located lower, between the nut and the first set of tuners. He might have a point. It'd have to be taller/wider but if it doesn't block access to the truss rod nut I may try it there if I'm making a new one anyway.
DesmoDog, Thanks for the update and the info on the build...... My LPJR should be here either today or Monday..... So I can't wait to get started!

I actually really, really like that string retainer man.  At first I thought is was a factory piece off of some type of guitar that I have never seen.  I think that is an awesome idea.  Hope you don't mind if I steal it  :sign13:  :toothy10:  (your idea, not your actual retainer)

So, overall, it's a good buy?  I mean I know it's not Warmoth parts or anything like that...... but something that's workable overall?  I look at it this way:  You know what $200 buys you in a finished guitar...... not much.... and since I'm aware that most of the hardware leaves a lot to be desired and I plan on upgrading anyway, I should be ahead of the game in the long run..... That and I am totally ok with hacking up a piece of wood that didn't cost me $400, I can have lots of fun inlaying stuff into a guitar like this.  And furthermore, really I am also buying the JR kit to have a proper template for the double cut JR body for future builds.  I figured that $190 for a whole guitar for myself and a template for furture use isn't a bad deal considering that a decent template is $75 anyway.

I think you did a bang up job there Dog...........  Really looks like a nice piece.  Play that thing a little bit and give us an update!  Thanks for all the info.  I genuinely appreciate it!
For some reason, I had all kinds of problems with the G string popping out on my Warmoth 12 when I first got it and thought I would need to add a retainer. But it seems to have"settled in" after a while and doesn't seem to be a problem any more. No idea why this would be...
I"m actually considering coming at this sort of thing from the opposite direction. I'm thinking about picking up a Fender Squier Bullet Strat for $99 and "reverse engineering" it. Take it all apart, make good notes while I do it, and then get it all back together again (this will be my first-ever attempt at anything like this). I'm not looking to learn about finishing, just all the other stuff. And I know in the end I'll have a nice little Strat that plays great.

I tried one of these at the store the other day, and I was amazed at how nice it was for the money. They sure didn't have anything of this quality for under a hundred when I started on guitar. And recently my wife has expressed interest in learning to play, so once I get it back together it would be hers. So of course I'll be picking up the pink one.  :toothy10:
nexrex said:
jackthehack said:
BigBeard said:
 Hmmmm  maybe we should all buy one of these and see how goes it?  Another build off contest with 40 micro managed rules and nothing to actually win!!  Everybody can get pissed at everybody across the board then!   :icon_tongue:


Ha, I'll keep you updated regarding my progress with the spalted LP.

I know this isn't going to contain anything remotely Warmoth. Would anyone be interested in me starting a build thread for this guitar?


I'm interested. Can't go wrong with spalted maple. The Christmas tree on the headstock is pretty cool too!!! :guitarplayer2:
nexrex said:
nexrex said:
jackthehack said:
BigBeard said:
 Hmmmm  maybe we should all buy one of these and see how goes it?  Another build off contest with 40 micro managed rules and nothing to actually win!!  Everybody can get pissed at everybody across the board then!   :icon_tongue:


Ha, I'll keep you updated regarding my progress with the spalted LP.

I know this isn't going to contain anything remotely Warmoth. Would anyone be interested in me starting a build thread for this guitar?


Yes Please start the thread!!!  Would love to see how goes it!!
BigBeard said:
nexrex said:
nexrex said:
jackthehack said:
BigBeard said:
 Hmmmm  maybe we should all buy one of these and see how goes it?  Another build off contest with 40 micro managed rules and nothing to actually win!!  Everybody can get pissed at everybody across the board then!   :icon_tongue:


Ha, I'll keep you updated regarding my progress with the spalted LP.

I know this isn't going to contain anything remotely Warmoth. Would anyone be interested in me starting a build thread for this guitar?


Yes Please start the thread!!!  Would love to see how goes it!!
+1........ :headbang1:
FWIW here's some shots of the fret work and neck alignment on mine, not too impressive...



Check out how the strings line up over the pickups too. That's not an illusion, the E string misses the pole.

It's playable, but it sounds pretty crappy through an amp. It'll serve it's purpose of introducing me to 12 string guitars, but I'm not spending much more money on it for new pick ups and things. I'm either going to look for a 12 string Strat, pick up a low end factory built number I can play before I buy, or build another Warmoth... assuming I decide I like 12 strings enough to spend the money.

Hmmm... For all the pics I've posted of it in this thread I probably should have just started my own build thread too!  :-\

Is this one of those 'Saga' kits?

Mine is a set neck LPJR...... Hoping I don't have those alignment problems!  I guess thats what they make dowel rods for!

I like seeing these projects, regardless of the thread they are posted in!
BigBeard said:

Is this one of those 'Saga' kits?

Mine is a set neck LPJR...... Hoping I don't have those alignment problems!  I guess thats what they make dowel rods for!

I like seeing these projects, regardless of the thread they are posted in!
I don't think that was a saga kit if I remember right... :icon_scratch:
I'm wondering how tight the neck pocket is on this 12?  If there is some wiggle room, I think you should be able to get the strings straight on the neck without much problem!  I have had pole pieces not line up perfectly also, which sucks visually, but as far as yours is off, you shouldn't have that much trouble with the string signal.
DesmoDog said:
FWIW here's some shots of the fret work and neck alignment on mine, not too impressive...

If that's a bolt-on neck, you might be able to go up a 1/32" in diameter on the neck mount holes in the body, which would allow you to torque the neck a touch over, then tighten the screws to hold it in place. Don't need to do it now - I'm sure stringing a 12 is a pain in the shorts - but next time you're going to change strings you could do it.
It's not a Saga kit, it's one of th eno name ebaykits. Seriously, no name. There's not a brad name on ANYTHING, and it comes with zero printed information.

The neck pocket is a very snug fit.
DesmoDog said:
It's not a Saga kit, it's one of th eno name ebaykits. Seriously, no name. There's not a brad name on ANYTHING, and it comes with zero printed information.

The neck pocket is a very snug fit.

Hmmm sounds like the first set of pipes I bought off of ebay for my bike, just chrome pipes and baffles in a cheap cardboard box.  No instructions and the mounting holes didn't line up with anything on a Sportster!

What if you coax that neck pocket just a red ice cream hair on the upper edge of the bass side of the neck?  I bet that would do it. 
BigBeard said:
DesmoDog said:
It's not a Saga kit, it's one of th eno name ebaykits. Seriously, no name. There's not a brad name on ANYTHING, and it comes with zero printed information.

The neck pocket is a very snug fit.

Hmmm sounds like the first set of pipes I bought off of ebay for my bike, just chrome pipes and baffles in a cheap cardboard box.  No instructions and the mounting holes didn't line up with anything on a Sportster!

What if you coax that neck pocket just a red ice cream hair on the upper edge of the bass side of the neck?  I bet that would do it. 
So did you sell the sportster and get a springer to install on your pipes??