
Guitar solo contest

I don't mean to call anyone an a$$hole other wise I'd be acting like a hypocrite, I just don't like musicians bashing musicians  :-\  there was a time when yourself probably played at a similar level.

As for no self respect or shame, in my opinion people who decide to rip into someone for entering a guitar competition lack just those things. But it's not my place to preach.  :icon_thumright:

Hannah, I see and agree with your points, but in this case I highly doubt anyone was saying what they said to help him improve. It was to point the finger and say "oh dear how shit was that... Disgusting"
Anyone with the balls to send in a tape deserves to be listened to, with positive critic

some of the guys may as you say suck, but how long have hey been at it, I bet I could rip some of the shredders to crap with critic and some guys would be going, wow listen to him shred, but then shred is very repetitive and boring. I will give it to the kid doing a melodic solo that follows a theme any day, even if he can be out played by a shredder who keeps getting lost in the progression.

Bottom line is they tried and have put themselves up for all to see, before you put them down, enter yourself.

I love to listen to the kids in the guitar stores, you will see one in front of an amp at decent volume play a solo or a song and then tweak the amp a bit and play something else, there are also the kids with the amp as loud as the store will let playing the same think over and over on a 3 minute loop, Never adjusting the amp just proud that he can play the parts to 5 songs.
now which one do you think will be playing in 10 years? Do you judge either one? I will joke and have names for them but I never put one down, was there myself 45 years ago.

Oh from the videos posted I think the 2nd on Hatchi posted was good, first guy I found a bit sterile, needs to work on playing a little more of the song, but he knows some good chops, the one who you say does not stay in key, give him another year and I bet he will be a lot better, he was playing with the most rhythm chops so he is being taught how to know where he is in a song at all times, and that is more important than speed any day.

by the way listen to Jimi play the outro solo to Purple Haze, a very famous and well liked song, has stood the test of time, 1 note, it is just how he plays it. And again Fire, 3 notes.

I don't think more notes automatically = better. it's got to have feeling behind it, and tell a story. that's why the two I picked as my favorites were completely different styles. the first one was a fusion guitar wizard, and the other one was a lot bluesier without the ridiculous technical side that the first one had. personally, I think he played too much towards the end in the second video, but overall, it's still good. the first one is just ridiculous. lol.
No NO, I was Just commenting, The first one was good, but I have seen some shred wizards who are just boring,
And some blues players who were also, infact I see way to many SRV clones, guys who can play everything Stevie did but could not phrase a simple line of their own, which again is boring, I pride myself in the fact that over half of my licks I pull out when the going gets tough, aka cutting heads , are MY OWN. I will run down a harmonized scale in 9ths, or some thing as that, it drives the guys are the open mic nights nusta because they are trading common riffs and I pull out stuff you need to practice, but my inspiration for that is the contest in Crossroads. I do not do anything as complicated as that long thing he pulls off, but it is funny how intimidateded a guy can get when you pull off a 7 second riff that to you is just a study in some theme, or another thing is let him shred and answer with a single bend, holding it for 10 seconds while pounding a fist on your guitar to keep it sustaining. I have been accused of  cheap tricks but then I tell them to hold a note, bent up 1 1/2 steps for 10 seconds, plus the crowd loves it.
elfro89 said:
I don't mean to call anyone an a$$hole other wise I'd be acting like a hypocrite, I just don't like musicians bashing musicians  :-\  there was a time when yourself probably played at a similar level.

As for no self respect or shame, in my opinion people who decide to rip into someone for entering a guitar competition lack just those things. But it's not my place to preach.  :icon_thumright:

Hannah, I see and agree with your points, but in this case I highly doubt anyone was saying what they said to help him improve. It was to point the finger and say "oh dear how shitee was that... Disgusting"

And this is exactly the problem we have now in our society -- "Political Correctness".  There are "no winners and no losers", everyone is a winner and everyone is equal, right?
The Truth doesn't matter.  Tell everyone they're great (or at leas let them THINK they are). This is NOT about musicians bashing musicians. This is about people who THINK they're musicians, who are really NOT.


'Makes me wanna barf.
I never really understood why someone deserved to get props & praise just because they attempted something that they were obviosuly very bad at. Sure he's horrible, but it took guts to get up there!!! I don't see it as guts. I see it as delusional & having a big ego. If you're good, you should be praised. If you're bad, even if you got on stage or entered a contest, people should call you on it. I agree that all this PC crap is none sense. There are no losers, everyone is a winner. Oh boy!!!!  :sad:
The guy just hasn't reached the level of playing that he thinks he has reached and he is settling for a mediocre performance.  He probably doesn't spend enough time on new things he has learned.  I bet he just rushes through because he wants the gratification of saying he learned something, when he really didn't learn it the 150% that is required to recall it well.  He only learned 75%. 

What irks me is that if this guy has watched himself on the video he made, he knows he's sending in something that doesn't sound right, but he's doing it anyways.  It's one thing to make a mistake in a live setting, there's nothing you can do about that.  But he is knowingly using that clip to represent himself as a player.  He is like my art students who rush through their drawings, have problems on the way, never ask me to help them so they can go back and fix them, and then expect to get a good grade because they "did the assignment".  In reality, they went through the motions, but never got anything out of it because they chose not to learn.  That's why I make those kids do the assignment over and over until I can see them putting in the effort to get better (it is much more effective than just giving them a bad grade.  They hate doing things twice.). 

This guy should have stopped, rethought the choices he was making in his improv, and decided to try it more at a level he is comfortable in.  That way, he would have a chance to put some feeling into his playing instead of spending the whole time fumbling around trying to figure stuff out.  Then maybe he would have had a good video. 
I think we were just discussing motivation to practice in another thread.

Hey guys I hate political correctness.but I do not bash those who try. I really used to have a huge stage fright because I have a brother who was 3 years older than me and his friends put down my playing all the time. Funny thing is now he wishes he could play like me. he can remember about 2 songs. But I remember trying to bang out a song that was over my head to impress them and they bagged on me. So I would go back and play my classical lessons till I nailed them because I was being taught classical and someone would encourage me and show me things. By the time I was 16.my brother was in college and I was playing C&W in bars, and we jammed every night on rock. I can remember nights we were booed off stage for playing Layla. And then toasted next set for playing a Freddie Fender song.

Yes some od those guys suck, But they are trying. And have put themselves up in front of everyone to say whatever they please. They have bigger balls than 99% of the rest of the world, and one of those who sucks, no not one of the good ones, but one of those who suck will become a great artist.

Saddest thing most will never recognize is the best musicians are not stars, but are guys playing in there bedrooms. I play with some amazing musicians, I know guys who will play the rest of their lives as working musicians in Hollywood just to earn a living. I know guys who write the stuff others play as hits.

And then I see someone like Tom Delonge on stage and just shake my head in shame. And look at the money he has made.

For once I actually agree with Jusatele  :icon_jokercolor:

I'm not saying you need to praise him but you hardly need to bash him either. If I kept telling my students they are shitee and are not good enough they would probably quit. Pulling people away from self expression is wrong regardless of their ego. (and everybody has an ego)

I'm surprised at you doughboy for saying: "I never really understood why someone deserved to get props & praise just because they attempted something that they were obviosuly very bad at" So are you saying that only people who are good at playing guitar should enter the warmoth jam? If I quote you from another thread: "It doesn't matter if your good, bad, a virtuoso, a beginner etc. As long as you do a solo & have a good time doing it, then that's all that matters.  The more the merrier... " Saying both those things is a bit two faced if you ask me.
elfro89 said:
For once I actually agree with Jusatele  :icon_jokercolor:
don'tworry, you will disagree with me next time

one thing you have to be ok with when you voice strong opinions a lot is most guys will think you are an idiot and disagree
but then, who cares?
elfro89 said:
For once I actually agree with Jusatele  :icon_jokercolor:

I'm not saying you need to praise him but you hardly need to bash him either. If I kept telling my students they are shiteee and are not good enough they would probably quit. Pulling people away from self expression is wrong regardless of their ego. (and everybody has an ego)

I'm surprised at you doughboy for saying: "I never really understood why someone deserved to get props & praise just because they attempted something that they were obviosuly very bad at" So are you saying that only people who are good at playing guitar should enter the warmoth jam? If I quote you from another thread: "It doesn't matter if your good, bad, a virtuoso, a beginner etc. As long as you do a solo & have a good time doing it, then that's all that matters.  The more the merrier... " Saying both those things is a bit two faced if you ask me.

Our fun little  jams are just that, fun little jams. It's not a contest, best in the west, fastest gun in town kind of thing, like the guitar contest. It's a show case for Warmoth players to use their beloved Warmoths on a track with other fellow Warmoth players.

There is a big difference between a person who can't play, thinking he's awsome, & entering a contest & doing an awful solo & a beginner submitting a solo for our jam sessions for fun...with no ego, delusion or anything else that goes with those kinds of contests.
Doughboy said:
Our fun little  jams are just that, fun little jams. It's not a contest, best in the west, fastest gun in town kind of thing, like the guitar contest. It's a show case for Warmoth players to use their beloved Warmoths on a track with other fellow Warmoth players.

There is a big difference between a person who can't play, thinking he's awsome, & entering a contest & doing an awful solo & a beginner submitting a solo for our jam sessions for fun...with no ego, delusion or anything else that goes with those kinds of contests.

And what if he entered just for the fun of it? calling him egotistical and delusional is a big assumption considering you don't know him personally. Like I was saying before, everyone has an ego and an agenda of some sort.
elfro89 said:
Doughboy said:
Our fun little  jams are just that, fun little jams. It's not a contest, best in the west, fastest gun in town kind of thing, like the guitar contest. It's a show case for Warmoth players to use their beloved Warmoths on a track with other fellow Warmoth players.

There is a big difference between a person who can't play, thinking he's awsome, & entering a contest & doing an awful solo & a beginner submitting a solo for our jam sessions for fun...with no ego, delusion or anything else that goes with those kinds of contests.

And what if he entered just for the fun of it? calling him egotistical and delusional is a big assumption considering you don't know him personally. Like I was saying before, everyone has an ego and an agenda of some sort.

You're right. There are no losers, unless you never try. Everyone who tries is a winner, & even if you come in dead last, you deserve a participation trophy, praise, a pat on the back & a tasty snack as consolation.

Hey, when someone tries out for a job they're not remotely qualified for & lose out, they aren't losers or delusional. They just miscalculated their cognitive prowess & should be given a USA flag pin for their lapel by the interviewer & walked down the local Strabucks for a farewell Mochacino & a pep talk, where they're told over & over that they can do it, just like the lil' engine that could.... :toothy10:
Political correctness, and helping someone who tried are 2 different things

political correctness is not letting anyone think he does anything wrong or bad, and it creates a society of under achievers where no one wins, like limiting scores at ball games, what s up with that, if you let a team get spanked the go back and find out what the trouble is, if you limit the score then they do not recognize a problem

now encouraging someone who tried is different, in stead of telling him he sucked and should not have entered, tell him, hey kid we need to work on some stuff, you were seriously outclassed.

that is the difference I am talking about, If a kid has the balls to enter, help him, so he advances. If we coddle him he loses even in the future as he does not know what he did.

the biggest problem I see in this thread is, these guys who suck and ENTERED, are having their heads cut off and spit out by guys who are not entering.  the guys who entered have already beat those who did not.
No one is cutting their heads of & insulting them. They're merely saying that they're not good players & probably not nearly as good as they think they are.

But really, are you going to go to the trouble of contacting an anonymous guy on youtube who isn't very good, entered a contest & lost to break his playing down & give him advice? If you do, you're a better man than most.

As Clint Eastwood says "A man has got to know his limitations". I find most people don't have clue as to what they are, hence one look at youtube after searching for the word 'shredder'. A little humility & a realisitc outlook of one self goes a long way to improving & advancing, imo.
Doughboy said:
As Clint Eastwood says "A man has got to know his limitations". I find most people don't have clue as to what they are, hence one look at youtube after searching for the word 'shredder'. A little humility & a realisitc outlook of one self goes a long way to improving & advancing, imo.
A year ago i kept getting frustrated i couldn't learn songs other people seemed to, then i got my head out of my ass and realised learning most of the stuff i like will take time,
so i went back to scales and such, now i can make up bass lines more than i can play other peoples ones, but im happier for it  :evil4:
So, the debate here is really "Does it take more balls to enter a contest and be subject to criticism by strangers, or does it take more balls to admit that your level of playing isn't as high as you think it should be?" 

I personally think it takes more balls to recognize when you're not quite cutting it and to be comfortable with playing something well that is at your level.  It takes balls to have pride in being a novice.  There is nothing wrong with being unexperienced, and trying to pretend your not just proves that you are ashamed of it.  You can dismiss strangers' comments a lot easier than you can dismiss your own thoughts. 

And the other thing... I really doubt any of those guys will ever see any of this thread, so we're really not cutting them down because they're never gonna even know what we said. 