
Guitar solo contest


Hero Member
I saw this on YouTube if anyone is interested:


Based on the Unofficialwarmoth jam sessions, some of you guys can do better than the solo in this video.

hachikid said:
everyone in this competition seems to just be playing as fast as they can...
Yup thats the nature of most things now and its pretty horrib  :sad1: :sad:
yep. although, this one is really nice, imo:

and even though his tone sucks, his I still like this one, too

this one, though.....the guy doesn't even freaking stay in key!!!
nothing better than a bunch of you tube guitar heros in one place [rolleyes]  :tard:

that first one hachikid put up is pretty good but the rest of them make me want to barf.
The 1st guy playing the Fusion legato solo on a Suhr is REALLY good. The other 2....not so much.
The first guy is good, and I like the kid with the white strat as well. That last guy though... OUCH.
They might not be the most developed guitar players around but at least they had the balls to give it a go.  :dontknow:

I would love to see if you would post the same responses had they been long term forum members.
elfro89 said:
They might not be the most developed guitar players around but at least they had the balls to give it a go.  :dontknow:

I would love to see if you would post the same responses had they been long term forum members.
Yup :laughing7:
Hey elfro? Can you deny that the playing was bad? Can you deny that his tone was bad? Can you deny that the mix was bad? If you can, I guess you're a better man than me. I'm just calling it like I see it. OUCH, it hurt to listen to.

I'll give you that he's got balls for entering, and I'll be the first to admit that I'd never enter a contest like this since I find nothing redeeming about them. But calling me an a$$hole for expressing an opinion (that you probably share...) is over the top, don't you think?
elfro89 said:
Call it honesty if you wish :P personally I call it being an a$$hole  :icon_biggrin:  :evil4:

You can personally call it whatever you want. People have will always have opinions about others' work and sometimes it comes pretty honestly. People can't post a random video and say it sucks if they think it sucks? Lighten up a little. If someone was clowning an 6-year-old's flute recital I might see your point.

If it was a live performance that was crappy, I would have a little more compassion for him.  But this was a video that he made and must have watched and should have realized wasn't well done.  If I was making a video to show my playing to the world, and I played that badly in it, I would do the video over or not send one in at all.  I mean, this isn't school.  He doesn't HAVE to send in the video to get a grade. 

If he can't handle playing a lot of notes or trying to change keys randomly, he could have made a simpler solo and done it correctly. It wouldn't be as fancy and show-offish, but a lot of great solos aren't very complicated.  I would always rather see something simple that is well-done rather than something that is too complicated for the player to handle. 

And really, if you're trying to get better at something in the arts, you need honesty from people.  If everyone blows smoke up your ass all the time, you never improve and you end up thinking you're awesome and ultimately end up embarassing yourself very badly. 