

ocguy106 said:
clearerphish said:
GearBoxTy said:
I like the idea of increasing it a little, or maybe do it semi-annually?  quarterly? every two months?  monthly might be too much.

Pretty sure once a year is all they'll let slide.

Yeah this gets brought up every year and I think once a year is perfect, christmas would suck if it was everyday. I really think Warmoth would frown on anything more then once a year
I agree 100%, once a year is just fine...  :icon_thumright:
Once a year makes it a more awesome event, and decreases chances of anyone figuring out about our little waffle
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is all illegal. In fact, if it was me, I'd delete this thread as soon as the whole thing is over with, if not before.
Cagey said:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is all illegal. In fact, if it was me, I'd delete this thread as soon as the whole thing is over with, if not before.
I doubt it's illegal...What's illegal about a gift of a waffle...That's what it is a gift...Everyone loves a waffle.. :dontknow:

There's waffles at all the car and bike shows I attend every year... :icon_biggrin:
It's difficult to discuss without using terms a search engine would index, which could raise flags for someone looking for such activity.
Cagey said:
It's difficult to discuss without using terms a search engine would index, which could raise flags for someone looking for such activity.
Then drop it... :icon_biggrin:
B3Guy said:
I think 5 is a good limit, tho. That's a 1 in 40 chance! If anything, maybe keep the same price of $10 per, and keep the $5 per person limit as well, but don't put a limit on # sold. Then the 1st place gets $2K or whatever, and the 2nd place gets the leftovers?

just want to point out the possibility (albeit rather unlikely) of a scenario where this math would result in 2nd place getting almost as much or more than 1st. you never know how quickly numbers could add up if some people run their mouths to their friends and all that jazz.

the first rule of Waffle is you do NOT talk about Waffle
I'm all for more tickets being sold, I've been in every one since it started , but am out now because tickets sold out too fast.

By the time I knew tickets were on sale, it was too late.

as far as second place, forget it. winner takes all I say.

I also say, don't limit ticket sales to a certain number, limit it to buy tickets by a certain date.  sell as many as you can in a week.  If the winner gets a million dollars to spend at W so be it.
Alfang said:
I'm all for more tickets being sold, I've been in every one since it started , but am out now because tickets sold out too fast.

By the time I knew tickets were on sale, it was too late.

as far as second place, forget it. winner takes all I say.

I also say, don't limit ticket sales to a certain number, limit it to buy tickets by a certain date.  sell as many as you can in a week.  If the winner gets a million dollars to spend at W so be it.

Alfang said:
I'm all for more tickets being sold, I've been in every one since it started , but am out now because tickets sold out too fast.

By the time I knew tickets were on sale, it was too late.

as far as second place, forget it. winner takes all I say.

I also say, don't limit ticket sales to a certain number, limit it to buy tickets by a certain date.  sell as many as you can in a week.  If the winner gets a million dollars to spend at W so be it.

For the life of me, I cannot fathom why it would be desirable NOT to have a second place drawing for a small amount of money. :icon_scratch:
Do you want the chance to win $50 or not? The winner is getting plenty of waffles for his/her dream breakfast.

Also, I'm not a fan of going over 200 waffle packets. The more you have, the greater the odds against you.
I wouldn't change a thing. Except maybe don't tell us when you're going to do the draw - I won't be able to sleep tonight!
The thing with the maximum number is it has to be easy to use with the cali draw. So 200, 250, 500, 1000, etc... if the limit was based on time, how the heck do you choose the lucky diner when you sold 347??? And of course with a bigger number there is more to keep track of.

I'm not sure if this has been posted yet (I went through the first five pages of this thread and didn't see it there), but you can read deleted threads through the following procedure:

Google the phrase "unofficialwarmoth waffle" (except you don't use the word "waffle")
The first result will be the original thread, with the text "last post December 30 2010"
Below the result, there will be a green URL; just to the right of the URL, there is a link called "cached"
Click the "cached" link and it will take you to the original thread with the rules

Random tidbits of the Internet are often saved in google's magical cache severs.  If you want to see what a particular page looked like last week, that's a good way to do it.  If you save the link, you can look at that particular page as long as google keeps it on their servers (which will likely be a long time).

I could post the link directly, but the link contains the evil Satanic banned word.  Maybe it'd be legal if we posted it as a masked bit.ly link?  Still, I didn't want to do that just in case it turns out to be a problem...
there is still  certain Cached information about a deleted topic from 2 years ago.. seems like it never goes away!
Märkeaux said:
there is still  certain Cached information about a deleted topic from 2 years ago.. seems like it never goes away!

Yeah, I've found info that's 4-5 years old using that tool.  It's great for finding old eBay auctions when you're researching the value of a guitar that doesn't come up often.