
GAS Alert!!!!

Great Ape said:
WOW!! I can't imagine how long it took to find that PERFECT
piece of spalted maple!! :toothy12: :icon_biggrin:
No kidding, if in deed it its actually a natural spalt.  :dontknow:
Out of curiousity, how was the map thingy done on that guitar.  The lines could be either drawn on or woodburned.  It looks like the different sections were then masked off and stained a different shade.  Very nicely done and doing something like that would make for an interesting build.
Johnny said:
Out of curiousity, how was the map thingy done on that guitar.  The lines could be either drawn on or woodburned.  It looks like the different sections were then masked off and stained a different shade.  Very nicely done and doing something like that would make for an interesting build.
I was reading on the forum where I seen it, and I think it was stained..
I love those les pauls and the other lovely pieces of wood, but every time i get gas for lets say bkack korina, i have to remind myself that i already have a lovely piece of black korina...
Orpheo said:
I love those les pauls and the other lovely pieces of wood, but every time i get gas for lets say bkack korina, i have to remind myself that i already have a lovely piece of black korina...

If you used that thought process, you'd only own 1 Les Paul.  :icon_jokercolor:
Death by Uberschall said:
Orpheo said:
I love those les pauls and the other lovely pieces of wood, but every time i get gas for lets say bkack korina, i have to remind myself that i already have a lovely piece of black korina...

If you used that thought process, you'd only own 1 Les Paul.  :icon_jokercolor:

No i dont double team... No doubles. Why have thebsamevthung twicevif you can have 2 different things instead?
Purpemist trem
Purple quilt
Koa kahler
Black korina
1piece flame
1piece quilt
6a quilt
59 style
2 gibsons
3 crimsons
1 bartlett
1 flattop

You count ;)

Oh and...
50style strat
60style strat
Rosewood tele
52 style tele
Hollow tele
Karper strat
Ibanez strat

Actually if you're a gigging musician, duplicates of a few basic guitar archetypes is probably more sensible than 'one of everything'
All myain guitars do go in pairs but each has a different top and color and neck but essentially do the same. 2 floyd rose les pauls. 2 solid body crimsons. The others are to add flavor to my playing but those 4 are the main guitars.
You guys weren't paying attention in Sunday school. Two of every kind, seven of the 'clean' ones.
I don't remember the "seven of the clean ones" part, and I went to Catholic school as well as Sunday school and masses at least once, if not 2 or 3 times a week. Sometimes more. Of course, everybody's idea of "The One and Only Truth" have always been wildly different. Good thing, really. That way, you can pick and choose what's true or not, which is pretty handy.
Gen 7:2, I promise you it was in your bible too. 'There is no absolute truth' however is a self contradictory logical fallacy.

I generally find I spend a lot more effort cultivating unclean guitar tones, the instruments and amps to create them, than clean ones though. But once in a while someone comes along that really makes me appreciate that you can use clean guitar to very good impact in stuff that rocks hard. In some ways it even seems to help with preserving a really sharp aggressive attack that can get a little fuzzy and undefined with massive amounts of gain.

This thing.... Although I'm still undecided if I want TxT or HxH route  (w/ an H-tron + 9-10k H)

swarfrat said:
Gen 7:2, I promise you it was in your bible too. 'There is no absolute truth' however is a self contradictory logical fallacy.

I'll take your word for it, although I honestly couldn't care less even if you paid me to.

swarfrat said:
I generally find I spend a lot more effort cultivating unclean guitar tones, the instruments and amps to create them, than clean ones though. But once in a while someone comes along that really makes me appreciate that you can use clean guitar to very good impact in stuff that rocks hard. In some ways it even seems to help with preserving a really sharp aggressive attack that can get a little fuzzy and undefined with massive amounts of gain.

I agree. A good example that comes immediately to mind is the juxtaposition of the clean Nashville-tuned guitar vs. the singing distorted lead halfway through Joe Satriani's "Always With Me, Always With You".