
GAS Alert!!!!

It's taking every bit of self-control I have, a commodity I'm woefully short of, to ignore that neck. I almost wish someone would buy it so I wouldn't be tempted, but then I'd just switch from angst to anger.
Somehow I missed this when it first showed up...


Copperhead finish? Need to put it on some quilt maple that looks like a snake...
Darn this is Tops .... Yummie  :toothy10: ... even got some flame happening  :icon_thumright:

:icon_scratch: Will I ..... No don't .... Must resist .... Must resist .... Must resist, your killing me Warmoth  :icon_biggrin:

Think I'll go & mow my lawn and hope someone buys it in that time  :icon_biggrin:


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is anybody else nerdy enough to have noticed that the "showcase description writer" has changed?  :icon_biggrin: :tard:

I wonder if it was Gregg before.. maybe it was always done by multiple persons  :dontknow:
NQbass7 said:
That Cocobolo neck is gorgeous but holy $750 neck!  :o

I'm disappointed with Warmoth's cocobolo.  The example that I have on another neck is sooooo much less... boring in its figuring.

With all the sturm und drang revolving around exotic woods, I wonder if it might not be a good idea to latch on to whatever you can get right now out of fear that you won't be able to get anything if the tree-huggers and brain-dead congresscritters get their way.
Cagey said:
With all the sturm und drang revolving around exotic woods, I wonder if it might not be a good idea to latch on to whatever you can get right now out of fear that you won't be able to get anything if the tree-huggers and brain-dead congresscritters get their way.

By all accounts, it appears to be mostly misguided enforcement personnel, not the tree huggers and congresscritters, at the root of Gibson's recent woes.  Nevertheless, if you want exotic, I agree now might be the time to buy in advance of some future rainy day.
Given that not even 1920's instruments are safe from current laws... it might not matter.
Bagman67 said:
By all accounts, it appears to be mostly misguided enforcement personnel, not the tree huggers and congresscritters, at the root of Gibson's recent woes.  Nevertheless, if you want exotic, I agree now might be the time to buy in advance of some future rainy day.

I would agree, but in my experience law enforcement personnel are rarely in search of "make work" projects. They've generally got enough on their plate without chasing rainbows and unicorns. That leads me to believe that the whole Gibson thing isn't a witch hunt so much as a punishment for something else that we have yet to hear about. Mr. Juszkiewicz has seriously pissed somebody off, one way or another, and they're punishing not only him, but everyone involved with him.

But, yeah. Now's the time to buy exotics. It's nothing you want to wrap your retirement around, but if you enjoy that sort of thing, you don't want to dilly-dally.
I just... I just don't have words for this.


If I had any chance of scraping up the money for that, I would. Right now.
Yes! I called a few family members and got them to contribute towards this for my Christmas present, and got a friend to loan me the rest. That sucker is mine. So much for the Strat I was gonna build, guess I'm building an LP now!  :cool01:
Congratulations!  I was about to post that body in this very thread, with similar lamentations.  Glad someone from this crowd got it.  We'll want photos when you get the build underway.

May I suggest a nice wenge LP neck?
