
GAS Alert!!!!

SustainerPlayer said:
There can be only one - The White Falcon

Actually there's at least a half dozen current variants.

This is the one I lose sleep over:

swarfrat said:
Is that neck BK? I thought they only had necks in White Korina.

that's half of what makes it so beautiful. I'm listing some stuff on Craigslist to try and get the money for that thing. even if it sits in a closet for a year before i get a body to match it
Too hard to post pics, but there's a ton of BK in the 'unique choice' selection that has a lovely lighter base (and thus really good contrast). Just sayin.
swarfrat said:
Is that neck BK? I thought they only had necks in White Korina.

Black Korina and white korina are the same exact wood, just different part of the tree, so if Warmoth wants to sell more necks, they start using the black korina for them instead.  :laughing7:

(the plan is cheaper too - no finish)  I especially love the ebony skunk stripe on BK.






I want a brown Tele. Not trans brown--just brown. There's an old 3-bolt Tele Deluxe in awful 1970s brown hanging in a shop downtown. I love it 'cuz it's kinda ugly and worn and gross. It looks like it's been played. But I'm sure as hell not gonna pay $4,500 for it.  :icon_biggrin:

I tried to find a picture to post, but I can't seem to find anything in the right colour.  :sad:
The GAS thread was on the second page so I figured I would bring it back :icon_jokercolor:


I really like this, and I'm usually not at all a fan of trans black. The subtle flame to the top looks really awesome though.
I think it would be nice to have this:

as a companion to this one I already built (gloss black body with all goncalo alves neck):
Biggus Pickus said:
Walnut/Flame Maple!
I thought they never put maple fretboards on non-maple necks.

My understanding is that they can't do maple on mahogany. Otherwise I think all other options are available.  :icon_scratch: