I see that you have your mind made up on what is up and down, and what is the future of tubes... I'm not so sure... None of us knows much about the future. It's true that in the very ''commercial market'' there are just a few manufactures of tubes these days, they are in Russia and the same (not very good tubes) are sold under all the ''big old names'' such as; Mullard, Tung-Sol etc etc. But looking into niche players targeting the high end audio market, there are some very interesting tube manufactures, most of them from China. For instance TJ as I mentioned before - very, very high quality tubes, the best sounding I have ever tried, there are plenty of them, and the manufactures are in it for the long run.
Actually, there are also very, very many NOS tubes in the market these years, because Military is begging to sell their stocks. However, these are often re branded, so one really have to know what is what. Recently I bought some excellent quality E188CC, manufactured by Mullard in the UK and labeled R.T.C for the French military, there are many of these at the moment, and they are A LOT cheaper than the same tubes sold with the Mullard UK logo. I use them in my Phono stage and in the Conrad-Johnson tube mono blocks in my high end stereo systems. They last 10000 hours, so I have stock now for around 50 years, so I'm good for now when it comes to tubes :icon_smile:
There is a bit of progress on the bass again, some nice EMG parts arrived and I have installed the preamp system and the pick up's. This is beginning to look more and more like a bass..!