
First build: Warmoth Bass6


amigarobbo said:

I'm thinking of building a fretless Bass 6 with a sustaniac pickup, very early days of planning, with no promices that I'll actually get around to doing it, but do you think there's enough space in the top horn control panel to fit a 9v battery?

I bought a set of flatwound bass VI strings, that must mean I now HAVE to complete this build,  :cool01:

[/thread Hijack]
German made Pyramid Gold, Chrome-Nickel flats not cheap (€76.42), but as I was ordering some more custom ones for my 8 string fretless, I thought I might as well kill two birds with one stone. .025 .035 .045 .055 .075 .095

They're quite old school flatwound sound, they seem to be the correct length for the rather odd Bass VI scale length, 30" but with a long bridge string length, I know one of the American companies do make flats for the bass VI, but they quite hard to source in the UK.

This Thread Hijack must end, I'll create my own thread.
Ah, just curious.  LaBella and D'Addario both make "Fender VI" scale sets over on this side of the pond, but they're not exactly cheap (LaBellas are $50/set for stainless flatwounds).  I guess I'm just used to the $5-10/set price I usually enjoy as a guitarist.  I've just been keeping my ear to the ground on any alternatives, but those seem to be pretty popular.
So the wood parts are ordered!  And the bridge/tailpiece.  And actually, another pickguard after I did a 180 on my color choice (originally Daphne Blue with a black p/g).  Travel reimbursement from work has really moved up my project timeline!

So the bass will now be a gloss Dakota Red with a W/B/W pickguard.  I hope Dakota Red comes out as more of a garnet red than the other reds, which all the pictures I've seen suggest it will.  But either way, I think it will look sharp.

Now for the longest 5-6 weeks of my life...
Is it a zombie post if it's been less than a month?  :icon_jokercolor:
On Tuesday, UPS informed me that I had two packages incoming from Puyallup to be delivered on July 11.  :turtle:

For the record, it's only been 3 weeks since the date of order, so props to Warmoth for getting it out ahead of schedule!
Was gonna do this all in one post, but the pictures are kinda big and I don't want it to be a whole page  :laughing7:

So first we'll do some neck eye candy (forgive the crappy phone photos and god-awful lighting):



The neck is pau ferro on roasted maple and, you guys.  Oh.  My.  Word.  The plan is to burnish the neck per Cagey's excellent post on doing that, but my mind is blown how beautifully smooth and satin-y the wood feels just as it is!  Hard to imagine it could get better...

If anyone doesn't know, this is my first Warmoth neck (and body, which will be next for photos).  It's truly spectacular to hold in the hand.
Now for the body:


Again, sorry for the terrible photos/lighting.  My computer screen and the gray-green couch make it look more orange, but it's definitely a kind of crimson/scarlet red (Dakota Red).

Mockup photo with the bridge, tailpiece, new W/B/W pickguard and on-off switchplate:


I really dig the clean look.  The neck/fingerboard wood is nice, but not overly dramatic against the plain red and white body scheme.  Chrome tuners will top it off, and I'm glad I went for the cream face dots.  They're not obtrusive on the fingerboard.

Lastly, for amigarobbo:


Definitely can fit a 9V battery in the upper bout.  In fact, if you were inclined to attach a battery box to the pickguard, I think it still would fit.

Unfortunately, body and neck arrived just as we're about to start moving, so my ability to work on the assembly is going to be somewhat limited for the immediate future, but I will be getting it together as quickly as I can!

If anyone has any questions about this rather odd-bird body style, feel free to ask!
That's a gorgeous neck!

And if you think it feels good now, wait'll you burnish it. I'll almost guarantee you've never felt a neck like it. Roasted Maple responds to that treatment especially well.
Mmmm! Dakota Red Jazzmaster body! What could possibly be wrong with that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm envious. That's gonna be a fantastic guitar.
Now that the proverbial dust has settled from our recent move, I've been able to make a bit of progress in between unpacking and organizing sessions.

I started with the tailpiece and bridge, because Warmoth kindly provides pre-drilled holes for the tailpiece on Jazzmaster-style trems, and the bridge is a press-fit deal (well, I tapped it in with a hammer covered in some of the foam packaging the body came in).




Of course, in my eagerness to install the bridge, I forgot to take a moment to attach a ground wire...so it's going to have to come back off.  :dontknow:  :doh:
Sovereign_13 said:
Of course, in my eagerness to install the bridge, I forgot to take a moment to attach a ground wire...so it's going to have to come back off.  :dontknow:  :doh:

Ouch! Won't that be a problem? Isn't those bridge thimbles on Jazzmasters unthreaded and closed at the bottom, so that you can't use a screw to force them up?
How are you going to solve this?
Sorry, I keep saying "bridge" when I mean "tailpiece".

I'm going to ground the tailpiece.  In fact, the ground wire route goes to the cavity for the tailpiece/trem bar, and not the bridge proper.  As long as something that touches the strings is grounded, it should be fine.  But yes, the bridge thimbles are unthreaded and the bridge just kind of floats in them, held in place by string tension.
Sovereign_13 said:
Lastly, for amigarobbo:


Definitely can fit a 9V battery in the upper bout.  In fact, if you were inclined to attach a battery box to the pickguard, I think it still would fit.

Thanks for checking

I was just going to have a cut out of the pick guard with a couple of screws which I can remove to reveal the battery compartment without having to take out the whole pick guard.

Only problem I can see is the space for the Sustaniniac control board, the space for the volume pot looks quite close to the pickup selector cutout,  :icon_scratch: Mind you still early days on this one…

If it ever gets built.