
Fire Sale VW body arrived....

Guitar stands 12 done, this one almost done, 2 waiting warmer weather to finish lacquer finishing and the VW waiting on a neck; 16 in total, plus 4 non-Warmoth electrics and an Ovation koa acoustic/electric
Gave up on waiting for the SHPR-1s to ship; just got a Rio Grande Big Bottom sets and the rest of the body parts in today; going to coil tap both PUs using 500K push/push vol/tone pots; pix later...
Now, the 4 week or so wait for the canary/jet black ebony neck...

All black 3 way toggle; still making my mind up where to drill the hole; for some reason Warmoth didn't want to do what I wanted...
All finished up/wired here, switch installed; decided not to but a tremolo cover on it; so tried that new Krylon Fusion "sticks to anything without primer" to paint the exposed guts black; stuff really works as can be seen below....


Yeah, looks pretty good... did you paint the springs?  Hard to tell from the pic.
Just got QuantumView on canary/ebony neck; that was quick, ordered it 12 Feb; should be in Monday; can't wait to hear this Big Bottom RG set...
Cool, canary will look awesome with that... hey, what ever happened to that block-inlay neck in the background of the first picture??  Looks like mahogany/rosewood, maybe?