
Fender XII style guitar in Burgundy Mist (definitely)

it is strung up and strumable!

The String Ferrules disappeared into the body, oops, I can get them out, but it looks like I'll have to get some of those with the lips or those long ones, I've got a set of Rotosound 10s on, I'm used to slightly slighter Rickenbacker strings on my (24 3/4" scale) Rickenbacker 620, and I'm not sure I like the higher tension, I think I'll get a pack of 9s for the next set of strings. I've got it set up a tone lower than standard, which feels about right tension wise.

And I will need some form of string tree, the low G pops out with regularity and a rather scary PING! noise  :sad1: Obviously the nut isn't perfectly cut, but I don't think it would make that much difference to that problem if it was.

Still can't decide on the pickup covers colour/Scratchplate, so I'll have to wait until I've decided before I can order from Kim Curtis Novak pickups



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I haz found the problem, I'd strung up the Gs wrong way round, :doh:

It's a very odd colour, I like it, but it's also one of those colours that never comes out right on pictures, it's richer more purple, less pink in real life.


I still can't decide what colour scrathplate to go for,  :icon_scratch:


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I think I would be inclined towards black for the scratchplate. Dependent on pick up colour possibly.
I also agree with black. That color is both striking and subtle. I think a flashy pickguard would detract.
Red Tort might work?


Oh and before I forget the Stainless frets are dreamy, just so smooth and nice feeling, and the black ebony fretboard is well gorgeous.  :icon_thumright:
Do a Google image search for burgundy mist - variations of white seem the most common, possibly with good reason, followed by tort and then black. Not that I'm suggesting you should go with the herd rather than your own preferences...
That's true. That's gotta be 97% of them. And I only found one in black, which doesn't look nearly as good as I thought it would, and maybe two or three in tortoise. I figured burgundy mist would be tough to match anything else, but black matches anything. Of course, that's true of white, too.
Well that's certainly not going with the herd! Complimentary/contrast colours work. Mrs Fat Pete would approve.

If you like it, go for it.

That's far closer to the Burgundy mist colour in real life than the other pictures, although it's a little less purple, and slightly more maroon in real life.  :icon_scratch:

Well, at least on my screen anyway.

The actual pickguard can wait, the only thing I need to decide on now is the colour of the pickups, black or cream;

