it is strung up and strumable!
The String Ferrules disappeared into the body, oops, I can get them out, but it looks like I'll have to get some of those with the lips or those long ones, I've got a set of Rotosound 10s on, I'm used to slightly slighter Rickenbacker strings on my (24 3/4" scale) Rickenbacker 620, and I'm not sure I like the higher tension, I think I'll get a pack of 9s for the next set of strings. I've got it set up a tone lower than standard, which feels about right tension wise.
And I will need some form of string tree, the low G pops out with regularity and a rather scary PING! noise :sad1: Obviously the nut isn't perfectly cut, but I don't think it would make that much difference to that problem if it was.
Still can't decide on the pickup covers colour/Scratchplate, so I'll have to wait until I've decided before I can order from Kim Curtis Novak pickups