I've been screwing around with this a bit before I take it in for a set up by someone who knows what they're doing. I thought it'd be good to do a rough set up and play it a little in case I found anything I wanted changed. Here's what I've found so far:
The 5-way switch is flakey. If I push it sideways I can make the pick ups cut out. I'm wondering if it's grounding out or something. Not noticable when playing but still need to address it
I think the high e string is too close to the edge of the neck. I find that in some positions my hand mutes the string. This doesn't happen on my Ibanez so I measured them and the Warmoth is a whopping ~0.030" closer at the nut. If I'm careful with how my hand is positioned I can avoid this. I'm thinking I'll have the nut replaced when I bring it in, unless I get used to it before then!
The dark grain on the back of the neck seems to get raised from the oil/sweat on my hand. I noticed rough spots one morning so I hit the neck with some fine sandpaper and it took care of it temporarily. Found the same thing the next day, though not as much. I'm guessing after doing this a few times it will stop being an issue?
I can't seem to get the action as low as I think it should be. This doesn't bother me much since I expected to have the nut tweaked and the frets leveled before it would be where I wanted it. Plus, I could spend more time setting it up, I've only done a relatively quick pass at it so far. Maybe when I put the strap lock buttons and the trem cover on...
The fat 50 pick ups. I really like how the neck and middle positions sound. The bridge isn't my favorite, but then I rarely like how guitars sound on the bridge pick up so at this point I'm going with "it is what it is". In any case the tone of the guitar itself is fine. Main area for improvement would be my fingers, and I've got the bug for a 5 watt tube amp...
So there are my impressions so far. I'm sure I've missed a few things but overall I'm pretty happy with it even though it still needs some work.
The 5-way switch is flakey. If I push it sideways I can make the pick ups cut out. I'm wondering if it's grounding out or something. Not noticable when playing but still need to address it
I think the high e string is too close to the edge of the neck. I find that in some positions my hand mutes the string. This doesn't happen on my Ibanez so I measured them and the Warmoth is a whopping ~0.030" closer at the nut. If I'm careful with how my hand is positioned I can avoid this. I'm thinking I'll have the nut replaced when I bring it in, unless I get used to it before then!
The dark grain on the back of the neck seems to get raised from the oil/sweat on my hand. I noticed rough spots one morning so I hit the neck with some fine sandpaper and it took care of it temporarily. Found the same thing the next day, though not as much. I'm guessing after doing this a few times it will stop being an issue?
I can't seem to get the action as low as I think it should be. This doesn't bother me much since I expected to have the nut tweaked and the frets leveled before it would be where I wanted it. Plus, I could spend more time setting it up, I've only done a relatively quick pass at it so far. Maybe when I put the strap lock buttons and the trem cover on...
The fat 50 pick ups. I really like how the neck and middle positions sound. The bridge isn't my favorite, but then I rarely like how guitars sound on the bridge pick up so at this point I'm going with "it is what it is". In any case the tone of the guitar itself is fine. Main area for improvement would be my fingers, and I've got the bug for a 5 watt tube amp...
So there are my impressions so far. I'm sure I've missed a few things but overall I'm pretty happy with it even though it still needs some work.