
Custom neckplate

Got some new ones...




:redflag:  Speaking of which .... Truss Rod covers.

I've only used the one so far .... on Yella Terra
Dougie custom of cause  :icon_thumright:

The normal screws ie: pickguard screws, were to big I thought.
So I used these .... http://www.warmoth.com/Humbucker-Mtg-Screw-For-Plastic-Rings-Dozen-Black-P154C849.aspx
Cut them down a little, in length.
Found that they sat MUCH better in the counter sunk holes of the Truss rod cover, than the pickguard screws did.

Just saying  :icon_biggrin:

Updown said:
:redflag:  Speaking of which .... Truss Rod covers.

I've only used the one so far .... on Yella Terra
Dougie custom of cause  :icon_thumright:

The normal screws ie: pickguard screws, were to big I thought.
So I used these .... http://www.warmoth.com/Humbucker-Mtg-Screw-For-Plastic-Rings-Dozen-Black-P154C849.aspx
Cut them down a little, in length.
Found that they sat MUCH better in the counter sunk holes of the Truss rod cover, than the pickguard screws did.

Just saying  :icon_biggrin:

Mine is all made up and ready for my LP (whenever the W sends 'er my way). I had no clue that an EXTREMELY similar plate had already been made up... BUT, I'm stoked with how it turned out. Thanks, Doug!

It's the Czech/Bohemian coat of arms with my funky-ass last name below it.

COAplate-1 by Joe Vajgrt, on Flickr
You're certainly welcome Joe, yes there is one that's really close to yours. It's another COA, I remembered it as soon as I saw your pic and looked for it. Just to see if it was the same.. :icon_thumright:
It was on page 94 of this thread, for anyone interested.  :icon_biggrin:
How about the "Circle of 5ths/Cycle of 4ths" key?

Would this symbol/tool be possible to be engraved on a neck plate?


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DustyCat said:
How about the "Circle of 5ths/Cycle of 4ths" key?

Would this symbol/tool be possible to be engraved on a neck plate?
Probably so, I'd need a higher resolution pic...
page 5 WTF  ...... Bump    :icon_biggrin:

Anyway it's a new year and that could only mean one thing  :doh:

Doug I need a neckplate, I have a design, will send sometime soon.
But ....
Can you or do you make a 'rear control cavity cover' for a Tele La Cabronita.
Prefer stainless steel, if possible.

It is NOT the same size as a Top Tele Control cover.
Otherwise I would just buy one of them without holes in (a Blank one) 

I can either send ya the plastic one I have to use as a template.
Or send via email the printout of it.
I have the measurements it NEEDS to be.
The plastic one is lose fitting, But ... if you trace around it with a pen thats the size I need.
(You know what I mean, just little larger that the plastic one)

If you can't do, I have some stuff here  :dontknow:  I could try myself.

Cheers Updown  :blob7:
Updown said:
page 5 WTF  ...... Bump    :icon_biggrin:

Anyway it's a new year and that could only mean one thing  :doh:

Doug I need a neckplate, I have a design, will send sometime soon.
But ....
Can you or do you make a 'rear control cavity cover' for a Tele La Cabronita.
Prefer stainless steel, if possible.

It is NOT the same size as a Top Tele Control cover.
Otherwise I would just buy one of them without holes in (a Blank one) 

I can either send ya the plastic one I have to use as a template.
Or send via email the printout of it.
I have the measurements it NEEDS to be.
The plastic one is lose fitting, But ... if you trace around it with a pen thats the size I need.
(You know what I mean, just little larger that the plastic one)

If you can't do, I have some stuff here  :dontknow:  I could try myself.

Cheers Updown  :blob7:
Hey Murray, I'm sure i could do one for you. It's possible to do it from stainless, but it really depends on how thick. I usually don't like cutting steel on my machine. But if you have the dimensions and a tracing, you can email that to me so I can take a look at it..

Cheers, Doug.. :icon_thumright:
Thanks Doug  :icon_thumright:
Shall send some spec's etc to ya soon.

It's for the back so thickness probably not a real issue.
Well it's been a while since I posted anything new here. So here's a few new ones.. :icon_biggrin:




I also did a truss rod cover for patriot54, but forgot to get a pic... :doh:
Valentine is going to look great on Bart's Lester! I'm looking forward to seeing that guitar put together!

I also have a good idea that the one for Hanna is going to land on a real pretty guitar too! 
Thanks Doug  :icon_thumright:
Sorry about the 1st design I sent ....... what a total mess-up that was  :icon_biggrin:
So went for something simple.

Great job on the others too, that Black Dog is a beauty.

I like that Hanna
So-Sue-Me  :icon_thumright:
Sounds like my, last nights Chinese takeaway  :laughing7: 
Since I have this Van Halen Frankenstein being done up I felt the need for a custom plate. I apologize to Doug for not going with him but I wanted laser engraving on this one because of what it is. Anyway, the guitar is still 4-6 months out but I already got the neck plate. Here it is...



This is gonna look SUUUUUWWWEEEETTTT on that back of that guitar.

BTW, I actually do have a plate from Doug and it's taken up residence on the back of my white Warmoth (below) it's Japanese letters that are my wife's name "Tomoko". It gets all kinds of compliments.