
Creative, technical, and talented, but lacking emotion IMO.

OzziePete said:
Death by Uberschall said:
dbw said:
I'm pretty sure none of you play like that!

+1. I think the main debate about these vid clips is that despite having all that talent, his stuff isn't enthralling too many players here. Mainly because of a perceived lack of emotion in his playing. Never been able to play like he does, but hey, I bet the kid can't drive a bus as well as I do! :toothy10:

No, he probably can't, but he might drive a bus with more emotion.
GoDrex said:
I think he plays with a good amount of "feel"  (I don't use the term soul because I don't know what it is) - -

Feel and 'Soul' are in the ear of the beholder... just like Tone :)

I swear that I can hear a lot of "Feel" in Yngwie's music.. especially his older stuff.. (great tone, great vibrato, and he always plays as if his life depends on it)
but apparently, most people just hear a bunch of notes when he is playing.
Marko said:
GoDrex said:
I think he plays with a good amount of "feel"  (I don't use the term soul because I don't know what it is) - -

Feel and 'Soul' are in the ear of the beholder... just like Tone :)

Thank you.

Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not musical, or emotional.
Regarding that Canon rock--- it's true, I can't play like that. And I think of that as a compliment. I don't want to ever, ever sound like that. Somebody else mentioned how bored that audience looks. Is it any wonder? Sure the kid can play a lot of notes, but there is nothing, NOTHING there. Like conversing with a valley girl.

I don't ever want to play like him.
doesn't interest me at all. And he is way better than I will ever be.

It reminds me of every single time I go to Guitar Center, which is not very often. THat place is ALWAYS full of multiple players who are shredding out ultra-metal licks at ridiculous volumes. And good for them, they can have the crappy (IMO) shred music and the whole effing Guitar Center. Who wants to actually listen to that shit? Seriously? Anybody? I can't effing stand it. It is liek the same ridiculous shred licks over and over with hyper-distortion "rhythm" lines underneath it and overblown pinch harmonics.

Seriously. BB King can't shred. Never could. And so what? Steve Vai (who as I understand is considered a great shredder) couldn't ever, in a million lifetimes, EVER touch the music that BB continues to create.
Every guitar player needs to know who Steve Vai is.  :headbang1:


Live footage, watch all the way through, awesome stuff.
buckallred said:
Seriously. BB King can't shred. Never could. And so what? Steve Vai (who as I understand is considered a great shredder) couldn't ever, in a million lifetimes, EVER touch the music that BB continues to create.

in a million lifetimes? gimme a break man. that's just goofy. :laughing7:

B.B. is great at what he does but his music does nothing for me. I'd much rather listen to Vai's Passion and Warfare album than anything B.B. has ever done.
buckallred said:
doesn't interest me at all. And he is way better than I will ever be.

It reminds me of every single time I go to Guitar Center, which is not very often. THat place is ALWAYS full of multiple players who are shredding out ultra-metal licks at ridiculous volumes. And good for them, they can have the crappy (IMO) shred music and the whole effing Guitar Center. Who wants to actually listen to that shite? Seriously? Anybody? I can't effing stand it. It is liek the same ridiculous shred licks over and over with hyper-distortion "rhythm" lines underneath it and overblown pinch harmonics.

Seriously. BB King can't shred. Never could. And so what? Steve Vai (who as I understand is considered a great shredder) couldn't ever, in a million lifetimes, EVER touch the music that BB continues to create.

I agreed with the first thing you said....:)
but totally disagree with the second part...:(

oh and totally agree again with Gary :)
I thought this thread was going to be about Jo Bonamassa - I cannot for the life of me see why he's 'popular' 'cos IMHBCO his blues has no feel at all.
Why denigrate a whole genre of music because you don't like the stylistic trappings? There is something to learn from all music,and if some of you don't get that...well, it's because you're guitar players rather than musicians. Blues. shred, jazz, classical, Argentine folk, zydeco, whatever...there's always something there. Listen...learn.
yyz2112 said:
Why denigrate a whole genre of music because you don't like the stylistic trappings? There is something to learn from all music,and if some of you don't get that...well, it's because you're guitar players rather than musicians. Blues. shred, jazz, classical, Argentine folk, zydeco, whatever...there's always something there. Listen...learn.

Exactly, and thank you.

On a Vai note, I have always appreciated him as an artist, and though others would disagree, I think he's very soulful.  What bothers me about his playing (especially in the first video that DBU linked, though it's not usually that bad) is how awful his clean sounds are.  It's so thin and tinny that it drives me crazy, and I actually had to stop the video of some otherwise tasty playing.

now for something completely different


Frank sololing through a little Pignose....

and doing tapping in 1976.

ok that was the tame version - this is the rock god version  :laughing7:

Hey, wasn't that the secret Carlos Santana chord progression?  :hello2: For someone who was billed as being a complete original, he sure did "learn" a lot from other people.... that second clip has some note-perfect Mahavishnu licks in it! After Zappa got tired of getting blown off the stage every night on their tour together he ripped McLaughlin in print for playing too much - then a few years later, he's playing McLaughlin licks in 13/8 time.... :icon_scratch:
stubhead said:
Hey, wasn't that the secret Carlos Santana chord progression?  :hello2:

of course he learned from other people - he didn't exist in a vacuum. you sound butt hurt about something. :laughing7:

Those guys all suck