
Cool body coming to the Showcase

as absolutely fascinated with this thing as i am, i will say that the lighting on the showcase pictures does it no justice!
AutoBat said:
I'm not big on multi coloured instruments outside of a nice burst. I'd rather it to be Roy G. Biv'd, but that wouldn't make me buy it either.

you people just aren't looking at it right!

it is roy g biv. look from the center and move upwards then continue on the bottom and move up toward the center. i like the dark color in the center, think color wheel more than rainbow. it works now stop complaining you anal retentive jerks, and if you must complain at least look closely and have a good argument..

JK i love you guys! and maybe al di meola didn't want a rainbow on the origonal and warmoth followed suit to keep people from thinking it was gay. i mean a color wheel isnt a gay pride symbol a rainbow is though!
JaySwear said:
as absolutely fascinated with this thing as i am, i will say that the lighting on the showcase pictures does it no justice!

Yeah, I guess it's just the lighting but the blue and violet should pop out more than that!
How about a yellowheart fretboard? The inlays could be hearts stars and diamonds, clovers and blue moons! Plus pots of gold and rainbows, and some red balloons!

PRS would put little toucan-in-flight inlays on it.
Makes me proud that I payed $450 for mine  :icon_thumright:

:icon_jokercolor: not even sure how I meant that
I can't say I dig the paint scheme. It boils down to a simple "like it or not" type of question to me.  In this case no.

BUT......Warmoth does do some real great paint finishes and it is simply a matter of what the individual ikes. :binkybaby:
AutoBat said:
I've been there....Wish I was still there....Waikiki is awesome.... :icon_thumright:
Looks what could have been an amazing top got turned into fruit cocktail.

Opinion aside, that's a really, really taste-specific finish. Did it start as an paint job gone wrong, or just picked out of a pile to experiment on?

lol @ DPU putting a Floyd on it

All these assembled pics are making me want that body real bad, and then I saw the price,.............................................................................  :sad:
Death by Uberschall said:
All these assembled pics are making me want that body real bad, and then I saw the price,.............................................................................  :sad:
Yip, it'll cost ya..... :dontknow: