
Cooking one up for Black Dog

The first step in solving a problem is admitting you have one. So, I must confess: I like boobies, too. There. I said it. Now I'm committed.


I'm a problem child!
No, I don't, either. But, I'm not even going to post the pictures I found of... other boobs. Think sumo wrestlers, weight watchers commercials, and just general pigs. Feed Google "man boobs" if you're not eating anything at the moment.
OK .... ya got me ......


How on earth did this thread go to Boobies, from the outstanding work by Tonar ?
(not that there's anything wrong about boobies)

Man you guys crack me up  :laughing11: ... and can really twist things about  :laughing7:

Anyway ...
Is that going to stay as it is ? .... Yellow

Looks fabulous  :headbang:  as it is.  :o  ... really loving this one  :blob7:

Everything leads to boobies, but not everybody likes to admit it. Me? I'm shameless.
Mmmm.... ummm... remember when an actual girl used to post here? I'm not too good at prudishness, I have a hideous sense of what's funny sometimes - but Warmoth $$$$ runs this place, they link to it on their parts site... it's pretty easy to bump over the curb with just a bit of progressive escalation. Just a thot.
StubHead said:
Mmmm.... ummm... remember when an actual girl used to post here? I'm not too good at prudishness, I have a hideous sense of what's funny sometimes - but Warmoth $$$$ runs this place, they link to it on their parts site... it's pretty easy to bump over the curb with just a bit of progressive escalation. Just a thot.

That's about the nicest way I've ever been told to knock off the a-hole sexist bull$hit.  Point well taken.
It a burst day!!! I did not make it as red as the Gibson and I can add more red if Bart wants, but I stopped where it is right now because it looks so nice. I have some contractors working on my house today and they were just in awe watching this thing get bursted.
Black Band.

Red Band


Melt coat

Bagman67 said:
That's about the nicest way I've ever been told to knock off the a-hole sexist bull$hit.  Point well taken.

Haha, this cracked me up  :laughing7:
Wow, Tonar. She's a thing of beauty! Well done as always!  :hello2:
so you do the black 1st, then the red.  I would have thought the opposite.  Please explain.  I have never done a three color burst before.
so you do the black 1st, then the red.  I would have thought the opposite.  Please explain.

Yes I always do the dark edge first other wise there is not a subtle transition line between the colors. If you look at my threads on three-tone sunburst Strat's you will see I do them the same way.

The first three-tone sunburst I ever finished was a 60's Mosrite guitar. I shot the red first and then the black edge and it looked way different. I started doing my home work and found that most sunburst finishes have the dark edge first and then the lighter color lays on top of it.  Look real close at vintage bursts and you can see the black under the red.

That is a beauty of a burst job ya got going on...  :glasses9:
I have gone back and forth at least ten times; more red, no, leave it alone it's beautiful, no, more red, no, leave it alone it's beautiful.
I think you get the idea!  So, don't change anything tonight  :laughing7:
