
Chambered Korina Paulocaster Jr

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Curse you CrackedPepper!

This is in the showcase. My plan was fatback/boatneck 24.75" scale no dots wenge/ebony.   I think I could live with dots (wonder if I could change em for black, or coffee stain them or something to mute em a bit). But it's the wrong scale. So now I sit here wondering:

A chambered BK body w/ wenge/ebony neck and Mean 90's - does it really need the short scale to get the howling sweet midrange tone I was looking for in this guitar? I'm seriously conflicted on this one. Save $100. The fact that it's save a $100 if I act NOW honey is not without it's own separate appeal.  :evil4:  Anyone want to commiserate with me on my indecision?

Cons: dots, scale, and the coloration in the ebony is not unattractive, but I think this guitar needs a little more solid black on the fingerboard.

swarfrat said:
Curse you CrackedPepper!


Yes, it is all my fault - blame it on me!  Fortunately, being married, I accept the blame for this and I am able to just take it in stride.  Because, after all, everything is my fault!  :laughing7:

Is scale really that important to tone?  I don't think so but I guess the scale would be the deal breaker here - ebony can be stained black, dots can be replaced. 
swarfrat said:
Anyone want to commiserate with me on my indecision?

Cons: dots, scale, and the coloration in the ebony is not unattractive, but I think this guitar needs a little more solid black on the fingerboard.

Sure, I'll commiserate. I was looking at a very similar neck (ebony over wenge) last night, only the one that grabbed my attention was perfect for me. My angst was caused by pragmatism, not any fault in specification. Do I need another guitar?

Yeah, yeah. I know. Silly human.

But, in your case, you're just anxious. This thing, while beautiful, is too far off what you want. Dots I might forgive, but scale length and color/grain? No. Those things are huge. I know saving $100 is attractive, but the sweetness of a low price fades fairly quickly while the bitterness of a bad decision endures forever. Patience, grasshopper.
Those are GFS Mean 90's.

I think you're right cagey. But it leaves me wondering if ROTM ebony is going to be black enough or if I should order jet black. I don't need it dyed black, just fairly consistent.
Wow. Get the exact neck you want for that. It will be worth it.

I think you want the jet black. Mine still has some subtle grain to it, but it is very even looking.
swarfrat said:
Those are GFS Mean 90's.

I think you're right cagey. But it leaves me wondering if ROTM ebony is going to be black enough or if I should order jet black. I don't need it dyed black, just fairly consistent.

I have 4 Warmoth necks here, all with ebony 'boards. Only one I ordered specifically jet black, but that was because I custom-ordered the whole neck; it wasn't a showcase piece. Cost an extra $45. If you saw all 4 necks, you wouldn't be able to tell me which one I ordered jet black. Of course, your mileage may vary. I got lucky on 3, paid for results on the 4th.

Ebony is usually black unless it's Macassar, so your odds are good. But, if grain streaks are going to bother you, you can pony up the $45 for insurance. In any event, it'll feel/sound the same, so there's that.
Every ebony board on every fender gibson jackson ibanez carvin whatever I've seen  has been what I would call black.  So I don't think I need the upcharge.  I think I'll call before ordering though.

Okay, sorry for the excitement. Back to dormancy for this puppy. Anyone need a fretless Yammy?

I have a neck mean 90 ready for my next build...I have heard good things.  Can't go wrong...$35?!?!?!?!?
DMRACO said:
I have a neck mean 90 ready for my next build...I have heard good things.  Can't go wrong...$35?!?!?!?!?

Those GFS pickups are a marvellous secret. If they were to do a little advertising, they could triple their prices and get rich.
I still haven't heard mine. But I'm contemplating buying a victim for a dummy coil before Cagey gives them any more ideas.
I'm not usually fan of anything gold on a guitar, but I have to say the gold pickups and hardware look REALLY good against the Korina. Can't wait to see more of this.
Just someone else's eye candy to help the imagination along. Yeah jet black is tempting:
Wow! That is one sharp-looking fiddle! Leo's gotta be turning over in his grave, though. The only thing Tele about that Tele is the body outline. But, that's what makes it so nice! <grin>
Well, I'm certainly no Tele expert, but it looks like a carved-top tele body to me. Probably a Warmoth, judging by the cap wood species and the quality/finish. But, I could be wr-wr-wr- ahem... wr-wr-wro- (dammit!) mistaken.
That's a volskwagon. It belongs to a forum member, found it googling images of "wenge/jet black ebony" on site:unofficialwarmoth.com
It's a body shape Warmoth are no longer allowed to offer due to legal threats from Ernie Ball.
kböbman said:
It's a body shape Warmoth are no longer allowed to offer due to legal threats from Ernie Ball.

I hate that. Companies who believe litigation works as well as innovation as viable a business model should regard that as an indication that it's time to retire and die. They had their chance, and couldn't make a go of it. Sell off the assets, move to the Bahamas, and have somebody serve you umbrella drinks.


Breakfast of champions!