
Cat Lovers

hannaugh said:
I want to get a cat, but we live in a small apartment and my husband doesn't want one until we live somewhere where we can keep the litter box outside (like on a covered patio).  Also, I'm allergic to most cats, but I'm sure we could find one I don't have a problem with.  I have a dog, guinea pigs, goats, and had hamsters, but have not had a cat since I was a kid.  It would be nice. 

You live in a small apartment and have goats, plural, but don't have room for a cat?
All of the current pets live at my mom's house, which is a few mins away.  I am there all the time so I can spend time with the pets.  The hamsters lived at the apartment though. 

The goats are a lot of fun, but they're actually not ours.  They live at my mom's house, but are actually owned by a couple down the street who wanted them for the milk but didn't have enough space for them. 

I'm trying to convince my mom to get a cat, but I don't think it's gonna happen until after the dog is no longer around. 
my great aunt and great uncle had a farm an hour or so away. was kind of fun to go visit, except enough time around horses and my eyes close up and i can feel myself losing years on my life. allergic as hell. but they had a bunch of horses, a donkey, a llama (that spit if you got too close), a couple peacocks, several guinea birds (i think they were, they were a lot of fun to chase around since they NEVER broke formation), and a couple goats. the goats were actually owned by their grandkids, but stayed on the farm. they were great! could eat literally almost anything! but the head butting got kind of old after a while.
I know this is a CAT-topic, but I might aswell post these here as well. There's some pics of my cats at the bottom of this post.


This is my step sister horse. Yellow Fellow


My dad Jørgen, his horse, Eldjenta - and my step mom, Annelise.


This is another one of my dad's horses, Sunflower


This is my step mom's horse. Utopia


Dad's horse - Ardvinna



This is my dad's race horse. It's ecause of this horse, I got my Diezel Herbert. His name is Vinge Blessen


Another one of our horses - Rigeljenta


This is Pusur (pusur is the norwegian name of garfield)


Snorre and Pusur


THE uncle sam! This is the king of the castle! seriously! I'd die for this cat!
Wow, those are some beautiful horses.  I love horses, I just wish they weren't so much work/money to have one.
They're here for 24h now... Lets say that many thing happened, but now Yasmin (soon "Fräulin Brümelein") is now less nervous and believing I'm not going to eat her... Mr Dumbledore (soon Chucrute and Herr Totenkopf) is not accepting the change well, he refuses to accept he is not the only cat in the house... If he doesn't start accepting I'll have to change him for another cat....

I know, I feel horrible about: he is nervous with cat and you would let him back to a place with MANY cats? Sucks, but Yasmin is 4-5month old and has to play when I'm away working... Believe, this problems makes me really sad, you won't believe how much...

She doesn't like to wait for the pic, he is on the Dish dryier on kitchen and doesn't want to come close to us... This pic of him is on 1st hour of them here, Yasmin was on the back of a forniture hiding... When she came off, he start getting away :sad:

This is one of four cats I have running around here.  Out of all my cats she lacks simple grace and intelligence, but she is the most lovey cat.
Her name is Dazey aka: Dazed and Confused, Dazey Dukes, Oinkweida, and Stumblelina.  The smartest cat I have, Star, used to walk up to my guitar as I was playing it and plinking strings with here teeth.  Simba, my other cat, is a large Siameese mix, but a fuzzy smokey variation, and is obedient like a dog.  The last cat Brasco is just a brown and carmel tiger tabby, and he is the brat.  All of the cats, except Brasco, have blue eyes.
NonsenseTele said:
wow! Nothing like being milionary :o

The cats are arriving today, pretty excited, anxious and nervous :tard:
We're not milionaires - not even close!
But my family has always loved animals, so it's natural for us to have many horses and cats.
NonsenseTele said:
They're here for 24h now... Lets say that many thing happened, but now Yasmin (soon "Fräulin Brümelein") is now less nervous and believing I'm not going to eat her... Mr Dumbledore (soon Chucrute and Herr Totenkopf) is not accepting the change well, he refuses to accept he is not the only cat in the house... If he doesn't start accepting I'll have to change him for another cat....

I know, I feel horrible about: he is nervous with cat and you would let him back to a place with MANY cats? Sucks, but Yasmin is 4-5month old and has to play when I'm away working... Believe, this problems makes me really sad, you won't believe how much...

She doesn't like to wait for the pic, he is on the Dish dryier on kitchen and doesn't want to come close to us... This pic of him is on 1st hour of them here, Yasmin was on the back of a forniture hiding... When she came off, he start getting away :sad:

hope everything works out with the cats! sometimes they just need some time to adjust to their new surroundings and people. my dad rescued a cat from the backyard of a family he was doing some work for. he kept the cat for a couple weeks, then gave it to my mom and i. he would have loved to keep it, but he's like me... finds it impossible to say no to an animal in need. he already had 2 cats and didn't really have room for another. the cat is skittish as hell! but has adjusted to my mom and i just fine. he doesn't really like anybody else, but he and the other cat get along just fine now.

Firebird211 said:
Out of all my cats she lacks simple grace and intelligence, but she is the most lovey cat.

sounds like comet! (pictured on the last page.) when my mom and i lived in an apartment we had a rocking chair on the side of one room. our 2 cats would chase each other from one end of the apartment straight down the hallway to the living room. EVERY time comet would hit his head on the rocking chair's support strut underneath. literally every time. that poor cat has never been very bright. it's a good thing he's pretty. gets him by in life i guess.
Hey Nando,
Maybe the cats just need to sort out their territory within your home, and who is the boss?

I'd give them some time to get their act together, it may take a month or so!
Me and my buddy Elven. He's not much of a cat fan either. I think he sees them as being novelty toys.  :)
Month? It took our cat almost a year to accept the dog and the woman now live here too, about 2 before we could leave them unsupervised together for extended periods of time and 3 before she truly began to warm up to my wife. Like sleeping on her side of the bed, stuff like that.

But she is a calico. (My niece told me I need to get a NICE kitty). Poor cat is currently camped out by the bedroom door hoping to sleep on the bed tonight and it aint gonna happen.
Here's my two boys Simon & Sampson. They're 20 & 13lbs and just generally large, not particularly overweight.

(large picture warning)
NonsenseTele said:
They're here for 24h now... Lets say that many thing happened, but now Yasmin (soon "Fräulin Brümelein") is now less nervous and believing I'm not going to eat her... Mr Dumbledore (soon Chucrute and Herr Totenkopf) is not accepting the change well, he refuses to accept he is not the only cat in the house... If he doesn't start accepting I'll have to change him for another cat....

I know, I feel horrible about: he is nervous with cat and you would let him back to a place with MANY cats? Sucks, but Yasmin is 4-5month old and has to play when I'm away working... Believe, this problems makes me really sad, you won't believe how much...

She doesn't like to wait for the pic, he is on the Dish dryier on kitchen and doesn't want to come close to us... This pic of him is on 1st hour of them here, Yasmin was on the back of a forniture hiding... When she came off, he start getting away :sad:

Cats can be quite finicky, for sure...  I have moved with mine (2) from Florida to Hawaii and back and now from Florida to Washington State (5 days in the car - different hotel room every night kind of thing).  What I found out is there is a product called "Feliway Comfort Zone" which really mellows them out in new environments.  You might try to get some - it's readily available on eBay.  It really works well...
swarfrat said:
But she is a calico. (My niece told me I need to get a NICE kitty). Poor cat is currently camped out by the bedroom door hoping to sleep on the bed tonight and it aint gonna happen.

Don't blame the calico gene - it's just your cat's personality.  I've had calicos, and they've always been pretty much universally friendly (although my current one does whack the dog once in a while to keep her in line, when they're not actually snuggling up together).

Thanks guys! They're starting to calm down... Will take some time to be 100%, but I can see now a small change... On the first time I was seeying them getting MORE away everytime, that is why I panicated!
A cat should be for life not, just for wrapping up at Christmas  :icon_tongue:

[youtube=425,350] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm3dm5J5r0A&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]

great find
I loved it

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