
Cat Lovers

I'd like to see this guy making this joke in the same room as me... Believe me, he'd never make any joke for the rest of his life...
When she was a kitten, my cat would crawl through the tuning port of my Avatar 115 and sleep in the cab. It turns out you can't scare a cat OUT of anything, Had to take it apart then put the cab up until she got bigger. Next time she saw it she tried again, but wouldn't fit. Was funny to watch her turn her head to see if she would fit this way n that.

I wouldnt mind a good dog (not the wife's snivelling excuse of a whiner errr weiner dog) but just love cats. Low maintenance, affectionate without being clingy/needy.  That said, they're cute because they're miniature predators too small to eat us, and if they have a sense of humor, it would run toward the macabre or practical joke side.  So I think they'd find such humor funny - as long as it was about other cats. 
swarfrat said:
When she was a kitten, my cat would crawl through the tuning port of my Avatar 115 and sleep in the cab. It turns out you can't scare a cat OUT of anything, Had to take it apart then put the cab up until she got bigger. Next time she saw it she tried again, but wouldn't fit. Was funny to watch her turn her head to see if she would fit this way n that.

I wouldnt mind a good dog (not the wife's snivelling excuse of a whiner errr weiner dog) but just love cats. Low maintenance, affectionate without being clingy/needy.  That said, they're cute because they're miniature predators too small to eat us, and if they have a sense of humor, it would run toward the macabre or practical joke side.  So I think they'd find such humor funny - as long as it was about other cats. 
yea . . . about that . . . my dog weighs 150lbs, so I'll let you decide what type of person I am.
You know it's kinda funny, but cats fit the description of the monster under the bed to a tee. Nocturnal predators that can see in the dark, sharp claws and teeth. Lie in wait in concealment to jump out and grab any dangled limbs.
completely unimpressed with my assembly abilities.

Here's Trixie at about 8 months:

She's about 80 pounds now at 1.5 years old - that's a lot of silly, happy dog to manage.

Here she is sleeping with Rosie on my lap:

Rosie hates the dog, but loves to sleep on my lap.  Sloth won out over antipathy in this case.  Rosie's brother, Lupo, is a beefy Holstein-looking boy in black and white, with a tiny nub of a tail.  He loves the dog, but not the camera.

Apologies to all for the view of my hairy shank, but it's one of very few photos of my animals.


80 pounds = 40kg? Kinda big!

But she look quite cool! My friend have a Dogo Argentinian, I believe something like 30kg... It's very the same of a Pit Bull but bigger... It's not mean, but he is a lot "active" and his backyard is very small, so when someone goes play with the dog, he is freak up, like a crab in a bucket...
Last time I checked, the only people that could play with him without being throw to the ground was myself (135kg, 280-ish pounds) and a guy that is even bigger than me...

Everything arrived for the weekend but yesterday I got worried because I started thinking if the oldier cat would accept or not the fun plays of the young cat... Sent a message to the woman saying about it, no answer yet... If necessary I'd change the little dude for a younger girl just to be sure the Yasmin won't feel depressed by staying alone without nobody playing with her... :(
I live alove and work most part of the day...
I'll post a pic of the king of the house when he comes in for breakfast.
His name is uncle sam, and even though he looks like something from jurrasic park, he is a really good cat. He's the animal I love most!
He has been:
-Driven over twice
-Got his eye scratched by another cat
- Been shot with a pellet gun (by the neighbour which is my age. i'm not a violent person, but when I saw him shooting my cat, I actually went over and gave him a nosejob.)

Pics coming soon
I'd like to see more pictures of cats and their slaves.

Personally, I love cats. Any and all of them. I was raised by a Siamese who lived to the ripe old age of 21 - pretty unusual, but not for that breed. They're pretty wise. We had several "tabby cats" previous to her, but none of them were smart enough to survive the trials and tribulations of life in the big city for very long. Sheba was a nut case ass-kicker, though. I saw that cat do things that defy explanation.


But, I'm calm now. Seriously.

I've had several since then, and they were all great companions, protectors, and gamers. If you ever wanted a dog, but didn't want to take care of one because they're such permanent and irresponsible babies, a Siamese is the thing to have. They're dogs in cat bodies, with cat sense. Burmese are actually the same thing with a unitard coat and slightly more fun, but they're a bit bonked in the head.


Leap off the Sears Tower? Sure! When?

They have no fear. Seriously. Damned things are expensive as sin and seem to have a death wish. Siamese are more sensible, although they have no problem whatsoever attacking anything that threatens you or the property. They'll decide what's a threat <grin>

I don't have a cat now, and I miss it. But, I hope it won't be long before I do. I've got to move here very soon, and the allowance of pets is going to be a big consideration for the next place.
I read some of the descriptions sometimes and think - ah it'd be cool to have a cat that loved water, or was more friendly with strangers, or more playful, etc.... But in the end it's kind of like marriage. You get what you got.  As I said in the other thread, you can't trade em in just because they're evil or neurotic. (At least that's what the preacher keeps telling me) And for all the scratches and bites, water bottle spraying, mistrust of strangers (and especially their jittery dogs), I do love her.  

When an angry cat bats with velveted claws, or rubs her head on you seconds after biting you because you were trying to clip her claws.. Yeah - I'll take that over 'OOOOH BOY MASTER IS HOME!!!! PET ME MASTERRRR!!! RUB MY BELLY MASTER IS THE GREATEST!!!!" any day.
I get home and my cats meet me outside in the front yard, I play with them for about 5 minutes and walk in the house. Then my 2 boxers want attention, So I play with them for about 5 minutes. They then run out back and play outside. After Dinner they all come inside and it is fun to see which set occupies the living room, If the cats make it first, the 2 boxers just kinda avoid the area, if the boxers make it first the cats go and claim the bed. They never fight but they refuse to be in the same room.
First: way to make the thread NSFW

My cat was once and indoor/outdoor cat. More in that out, but definitely loved the outdoors. We moved to an apt, and for 6 months, she never went outside.

I got her a leash, which she hates, but has decided its worth the price for going outside again. If she hears the leash, she will come running. If I don't take her out for a few days she will cry herself hoarse begging. We mostly just go out and chill, but she will walk on it. I get a lot of looks and comments, as you can imagine.
swarfrat said:
First: way to make the thread NSFW

And the cat humping the dog is ok?  lol

Whats NSFW about it....they are covered in all the appropriate areas?  I see just as much in the Victoria Secret catalogs that women bring to work to share with each other......and besides, we were talking about cats right?   :icon_biggrin:

Edit:  There ya go......back to felines
What's not NSFW about it?
I wouldn't dare to have such pictures on my computerscreen when I'm at work.

and yes, we were talking about cats - not models :tard: 
I want to get a cat, but we live in a small apartment and my husband doesn't want one until we live somewhere where we can keep the litter box outside (like on a covered patio).  Also, I'm allergic to most cats, but I'm sure we could find one I don't have a problem with.  I have a dog, guinea pigs, goats, and had hamsters, but have not had a cat since I was a kid.  It would be nice. 
My cat wants me to get a hamster. Or a bird. Whenever I take her to the pet store, she begs and pleads. But I'm a mean daddy.  I'm mildly allergic to cats, but just deal with it. It's only a problem a handful of times a year and she just gets booted from bedroom and I take an Alavert.
swarfrat said:
I got her a leash, which she hates, but has decided its worth the price for going outside again. If she hears the leash, she will come running. If I don't take her out for a few days she will cry herself hoarse begging. We mostly just go out and chill, but she will walk on it. I get a lot of looks and comments, as you can imagine.

My siamese never liked collars, but for some reason didn't mind harnesses. They'd walk right into them for the chance to go outside. They'd also walk with me, if I was of a mind to walk them. Easier than many dogs I've walked, actually.
my cat (pictured above) is EXTREMELY curious about the outside, but we'd really rather he not be an outside cat since that means more diseases to worry about and more shots, etc. anyway i decided i'd get him a leash and see how he liked it. he really didn't, but once he got over the fact that he was in a harness he just kind of excepted it. so i get him outside and he's flinching at every noise, but doing ok. THEN my grandad comes out completely oblivious to the cat and i, puts some newspapers in the recycling can, and lets the lid slam shut. well, comet decided that was NOT ok, started flipping and rolling and jumping until he managed to get himself out of his very secure harness, ran all the way up to the door, and jumped for the only thing he could see as being inside. unfortunately what he thought was inside was a glass door. BAM. i almost cried i was laughing so hard, but felt so bad. and he was absolutely terrified. he was alright though, his nerves are so on edge all the time that this traumatic experience was really nothing for him. but god it was funny!

this is also the same cat who stood his ground and punched my grandmother's fairly large golden retriever in the nose. go figure. that was the dog that never runs from a fight, and the skittish cat who runs form everything.
that was funny, I have a better one though, I am in the dinning room playing some cards, doing shots and ..... with a friend, it is late and we are just kinda BSing the night away. Wife is asleep and the cats are about the house. Well My wife had gotten some new AC filters that day and instead of putting them in the closet she had set them down for me to bother with later. On of the cats decided to rub all up and down against the roughness of the filter, well somehow she got her collar caught in the metal that holds the filter in and got freaked out, She jumped up and with the filter in tow landed in the middle of the room, We heard the commotion from the other room and look through the entryway, but all we could see was a filter spinning and bumping into things as the cat continued  to freak out and spin around, spitting and hissing at the filter. As we lay on the ground laughing so hard our sides were going to split my wife ran into the room and caught the whirling dervish setting the cat free who decided the ct door and outside was the best thing it could do. As we continued to laugh, and to make it worse my wife was trying to chew us out for not saving the cat, the cat came back in and attacked the filter laying on the ground. If my wife had not grabbed the filter and put it in the closet I think I would have been hospitalized.