
Can't Log in at Warmoth


Hero Member
For the last day or two, I can't seem to log on or get to my account at Warmoth site. Using (Safari)  :sad:

Log on page is all squashed up.

:icon_scratch: Anyone else tried ?

Must be a Web Fault …..
There is another thread that mentiones that they did an upgrade to their ecommerce provider - there may be some nonsense going on there.
Works for me. I just tried it to be sure. As Bagman pointed out, they've updated their commerce software. You may want to dump your Warmoth cookies, and reload the browser to clear your cache.
I've been having issues for a week or two.  I can't just put in unofficialwarmoth.com into my browser, i have to add /index.php at the end.
Also when I comment on posts it just looks like it's sittng idle and not updating, but F5 (refresh) will show that it posted.
I'm using Firefox 7.0.1 (perhaps the latest Firefox update is to blame?)
This seems the only site that I frequent that acts differently though.
This forum is OK to log onto .... It's the Main Warmoth site I can't get onto.

Have tried everything & still can't log in or see my account .... Got some $$$ ..... I want to spend  :icon_biggrin:

Whenever I try, it's there for a brief second, where you sign in, but then squashes up to nothing.  :sad:

pabloman said:
Once you GOTM you are banished. :icon_jokercolor:
HA HA ... May-be your right  :laughing7:

I'll try a email to .... Web related comments or suggestions: webmaster@warmoth.com

Thanks others that tried  :icon_thumright:
Updown said:
For the last day or two, I can't seem to log on or get to my account at Warmoth site. Using (Safari)  :sad:

Log on page is all squashed up.

:icon_scratch: Anyone else tried ?

Must be a Web Fault …..

me too
(SRWare Iron Browser)
i just tried again with both Explorer, Rockmelt and Chrome and had no problem. Don't have Firefox installed, but it sounds more like a cookie issue than browser to me. As someone else suggested, I think I would delete any cookies and do a hard reload of the site.
Yep deleted cookies, done hard reload of site .....  :icon_scratch: ..... think i've done it correct.

I'm on iMac using Safari. (just done all latest updates)

Have included a couple of pic's here of what comes up on my screen.
1st is what I get ...
2nd is what it's supposed to look like (taken at a split second it was on the screen for) before it disappears into the 1st pic.

Have sent email to webmaster, as they have been doing some work, I hear, plus (it's the weekend) just waiting on reply.
While I wait thou .......

I'm like the bottom of a tree at the moment ........  I'm Stumped !!   :dontknow:



YEP all good to go now  :blob7: Thanks Eric & Bryan  :icon_thumright:

Reply from Web developer .......
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We have been updating our website over the past few days. 
We just restored the login page to what it originally was and we wanted to see if that fixed the problem for you. 
If not, please send me the browser and OS that you are using to view our website so we can further diagnose the problem.

Yep fixed !!
All Good Thanks Guys  :icon_biggrin: