
Can anyone do me some quick photoshop mockups


Senior Member
I want to compare three bodies: PT2257, PT2301 & PT1920 with this padouk neck TN3800.

I only need to see the backs (back of the body with the back of the neck) ... just interested in how the padouk looks with these three finishes.

If you've got the time and it's not too much of a PITA I'd much appreciate it  :icon_thumright:
I've got insomnia so I did some PS mockups of your selected neck and bodies; here you go:






Mmm. That middle one, what is that, black cherry? That's nice with that neck.
mrpinter you are a true gentleman ... thank you sir  :icon_thumright:

yeah, black cherry ... looks good. I'm also liking the Lake Placid Blue. The burst isn't doing it for me at all.
I like that blue, too, but not with that neck. Looks too... haphazard. Like it's built out of stuff that's been laying around, rather than something planned.

That's a hard neck to match. You might want to consider either black or white. Since they're not colors, neither of those clash with anything.
The red color of the neck is a mismatch for the burst body. I really like the Lake Placid Blue one, very tasty; although it works OK with the black cherry I guess. The blue would be my pick.

edit... Cagey was posting while I typed: obviously black or white would work too, but I still like that blue one with that neck.
Actually, since that neck is going to brown up over time, the blue might be a good color to use.
I'm having fun with this, so I did another couple with the L.Placid Blue body and goncalo alves necks, since I'm partial to goncalo. First goncalo with Macassar ebony:

Next - goncalo with pau ferro fingerboard:

Since your neck has a wide 1 3/4" nut and these are 1 11/16", you probably wouldn't be interested in them. But I'm thinking if I had the extra money right now I'd be making an order!
:laughing7: glad you're having fun mrpinter ... it's nice to see some of the various options.

funny that you guys both mentioned white ... I was just lookin at a one-piece swamp ash standard tele and thinkin it'd look pretty good in MaryK white with that neck ... yum!

... and I'm actually after a 1 11/16 fatback ... that's just the wood choice I'm leaning most heavily toward—wenge on padouk.
... although pau on pau would look pretty damn good with Lake Placid Blue  :icon_biggrin:

goncalo looks great but I'm trying to have the tone more in the maple ballpark ... thanks again for your assistance  :kewlpics:
So after all that this is what it's gonna look like (pulled the trigger literally minutes ago) ...
Amber dyed flame maple on chambered swamp ash with trans brown back (from the showcase). Neck is custom order: ebony on padouk fatback  :headbang:


You guys with your trick Teles. You're gonna make me build one, aren't you? That thing is absolutely gorgeous! Dammit. Pisses me off. Everybody should play Strats.


I want Stratocasters!! You people understand every language except English! Yo quiero
Stratocasters! Donnez-moi Stratocaster! Click-click-bloody-click Stratocasters!!!
Cagey said:
You guys with your trick Teles. You're gonna make me build one, aren't you? That thing is absolutely gorgeous! Dammit. Pisses me off. Everybody should play Strats.


I want Stratocasters!! You people understand every language except English! Yo quiero
Stratocasters! Donnez-moi Stratocaster! Click-click-bloody-click Stratocasters!!!

You're contributing to my delinquency, Cagey, so keep your voice down.

AutoBat said:
I second Cagey.

I fear I'm going to build a Tele one of these days.

Whaddaya gonna do? Feces occurs. For example, I ordered a sorta-Floyd yesterday. The world is all topsy-turvy. Next thing you know, I'll be switching from beer and cigarettes for dinner to milk and chicken quiche. Hopefully, somebody will notice when that happens and kill me. Quick, like bunny.
AutoBat said:
I second Cagey.

I fear I'm going to build a Tele one of these days.

Careful, AutoBat.  Once you get started it may get way from you.  I have THREE telecasters in progress as if I'm in my right mind or something. 
Bagman67 said:
AutoBat said:
I second Cagey.

I fear I'm going to build a Tele one of these days.

Careful, AutoBat.  Once you get started it may get way from you.  I have THREE telecasters in progress as if I'm in my right mind or something. 
I've got 2, built almost simultaneously.... :toothy11:
Pretty sure I'll have a Les Paul build before then, and the Finance Department is pretty strict around these parts, so it won't be any time soon for either.
AutoBat said:
Pretty sure I'll have a Les Paul build before then, and the Finance Department is pretty strict around these parts, so it won't be any time soon for either.

I had my doubts this one was gonna happen until the Finance Dept saw that dyed mapled and said, "Oooh, I like THAT one!"
A quick half turn on the thumb screws and the deal was done  :icon_biggrin: