Otay, from fret 1 to fret 21, its 16.5" inches. From fret 1 to the bridge its 24inches.
Lets do the math:
Radius at fret 1 = 10"
Radius at fret 21=16"
Take the 16 inches and subtract the 10 inches from it. Now, looking sort of sideways at things, we have a triangle. If the angle at the nut is our known angle (it doesn't matter except for terminology at this point), then the "opposite" side is six inches, and the "adjacent" side is 16.5 inches. Now its proportional. We take 6/16.5 and get .363636 Now take that and multiply by 24 inches, and we get 8.7272 Now add the 10 inches back in, and we have 18.72 inches as a bridge radius, using the calculation from FRET ONE (not the nut, my bad) to the bridge. That's close enough to a nice even 18.75" in my book.
There may be some minor miscalculation, on account of that 21st fret not being "really" 16" radius but slightly smaller, since most Warmoth compound necks are 22 inch variety. So lets do those numbers....
From fret 1 to fret 22 is 16.9375 (16.5 plus .4375 from fret 21 to fret 22). Same radii apply. Same scale applies from fret 1 to bridge.
Lets do that math.... and we get 18.5" bridge radius. At that point, we may be splitting hairs when it comes to saddle elevation.
I'll know if we're splitting hairs sometime tomorrow. That's enough math for tonight.
So the definitive answer is 18.5 inches. (unless Wyliee comes back and says they readjust the arm on the radius machine for 21 fret necks.....)