
BlackHeart "Little Giant"

You guys are killing me!!!! :toothy12:

I have been very happy with the stock sound of the heads so far. So last night I just wanted to try it out with some other tubes, so I opened the back of my H&K amp and pulled the  (2) GT-12AX7M that are in there and installed them in the Blackheart heads. I have to say It has a richer, fuller sound now.
So today I will have to run out and get some EL84 tubes to try play with.
Most EL84s get stocked as matched duets/quartets; Guitar Center and other outlets that stock Groove Tubes have the silver series EL84 for $14.99, typically. The Sovtek 12AX7WB doesn't appear to be widely available in retail outlets, but the tubedepot.com has them for $7.95:


I've tested a bunch of different V1 tubes 7025s/ECC83s/12AT7s/various 12AX7s, but nothing sounds as good to me as the 12AX7WBs. Just ordered some more to try in my Blues Deluxe as well.

The stock sound of the amp is OK, but to me the stock tubes break up/distort too much above around 7.5 on the dial. For the $25 investment, you get a lot more than $25 worth of improved tone for the 12AX7WB/GT silver series EL84 tube upgrade.
There goes the market on WB's.

I might also add... the plain ol' WA is a great (not teriific, but REALLY good) Fender clean chime-toned tube.
That sounds like a lot of fun there then....

Gotta dig that schematic up, see what she looks like inside.
This is probably a nube question, but are EL84s and 6L6s interchangeable?  I previously owned a Crate Blue VooDoo 120 head, and I think it had 4 Sovetek 6L6s in it for power.  Im not sure about the 12AX7s in the preamp.  I only owned the amp for a couple of years, and never changed the tubes, but i always had the impression that EL84 and 6L6 fit the same sockets.  Is that true? 

Im going tomarrow to try and track down a Blackheart, and I'm tempted to put a Sovtek 6L6 in it (if they are interchangeable that is), anybody have an opionion how that would sound?

Speaking of the Crate, I have to say, that amp had one of be best clean tones I ever had the chance to play with.  I know their stuff generally doesn't get looked at in the same light as a Marshall or Fender, etc, but that Blue VooDoo was one heck of a amp. 

As long as I'm on the nube role, might as well ask, what's the "biasing the tube" thing I hear about?  I seem to recall being told that if I wanted to change the tubes in one of my amps. I would have to have it biased? 
EL84s are much smaller and not pin compatible with 6L6 tubes, so you can't make that swap out. Good luck finding the Blackheart, they appear to be sold out most everywhere.

Mercury Magetics is about to release a dual 6V6 13w upgrade for the head" http://www.mercurymagnetics.com/pages/mainframe.htm, but I'd wait will the 15w dual EL84 BH15H heads are available next month before I shelled out cash for that....

"Biasing" involves setting/adjusting the plate dissipation of the power amp tubes are in line with what your tubes are rated/amp circuit design, here's a primer:

Unless you know what you're doing it's best left to an amp tech as you are dealing with voltages that can kill you quite dead.

As far as my Sovtek 12AX7WB/GT Silver series EL84 recommendation; the cost of the tubes is so low I didn't bother with checking bias; the EL84's been burnt in for over 72 hours, so there doesn't appear to be any issue there.

Well tubes are on order,

Ei EL84
Sovtek 12AX7WB

If I melt the heads it will just give me a reason to get the 15watt ones when they come out :laughing7:
woot!  I managed to find a Little Giant combo on ebay.  Its new, from the Music Go Round in North Carolina I believe.  Fortunately their buy it now price wasn't any higher than what it lists for at GC.  I would have preferred the mini-stack, but I think I will be pleased with the combo, plus its more portable! 
chuck7 said:
woot!  I managed to find a Little Giant combo on ebay.  Its new, from the Music Go Round in North Carolina I believe.  Fortunately their buy it now price wasn't any higher than what it lists for at GC.  I would have preferred the mini-stack, but I think I will be pleased with the combo, plus its more portable! 

Yep, that's where I first demoed it way back in November.  They're good guys there.
jackthehack said:
"Biasing" involves setting/adjusting the plate dissipation of the power amp tubes are in line with what your tubes are rated/amp circuit design, here's a primer:

I read that page, and it is complete, total and incontrovertible BS.  Its not worth the read.  It will corrupt your way of thinking about bias.  Its factually errant, except save maybe.. maybe if you're running class A, grid bias.

The more I see, play with and experiment with tubes, the more I see many of the "old ways" are best.

There are two schools of thought -
1.  Bias using a scope, looking at the crossover notch - observed at the output transformer secondary (the speaker)
2.  Bias by setting the idle current of the tube to a certain point.

Both are not optimal.  The first because the notch is hard to identify optically on the screen of the scope, the second because setting the idle may or may not be great for when you're running cranked up.

By far, the better way is to observe the current flow of each tube, on a scope, by means of the IR drop on a resistor in series with the tube (on the cathode).

BTW, the use of a 1 ohm resistor is fine.  Think in terms of 200ma (max) being run through it.  That would be 1/5 of a watt.  Double it for safety, that would be 2/5 of a watt.  Sounds like those 1/2 watt resistors would be fine (the doofus on that page is an idiot with ohms law).

While observing the output current, under load, into a load, you can then see just how much current is being used under load, determine total dissipation, and exceed it by the margin of your choice.  Yes - exceed it - by what sounds good, and that point, dear ones, is HIGHLY variable, dependent on even the guitar being plugged into the amp.  So, take another Gerald Weber "GOSPEL" fact, and toss it.

(end soapbox.. yet again)

Why don't you just make a definitive page on your website for us to reference, rather than googling up shit?
I prefer the Epiphone Valve Junior, but if you want to get a cheap, small wattage tube amplifier; get an Orange Tiny Terror.  Only around 500 bucks; and are just killer and are way better than either of those two amps.    Worth the investment.
Hey I wrote this over a decade ago.... some parts omitted for legal reasons, sorry.

I no longer fully adhere to the school of cathode current bias setting.  Its not definitive, because it will vary tremendously with transconductance (basically the steepness of the response curve - grid voltage to plate current, or how a tube responds to an actual signal). 

This is however, factually accurate, with the table at the bottom being included from another piece I wrote, for beginners.  That table might have its place in those who need to be in the ballpark, or just as some hugely inaccurate reference to get not too far off the mark.
