I'm also thinking of getting a satin black tele with a satin black neck.
I had a LTD Baritone guitar a couple of years ago with black satin finished body and neck and I think that was fine.
It got a bit glossy at places but it wasn't only on the neck, more everywhere you have alot of body contact with it like right forearm, the back, around the volume pot etc.
I don't think it looked bad, only like an instrument getting the love it deserves. And it wasn't really shiny, just less matte.
And I don't think the satin black finish is nitro based, is it? Only the transparent satin neck finishes are, or am I wrong?
Edit: just read what Sean posted earlier again and it is a nitro based finish for the satin neck finishes. Sorry about that.
That makes me on the other hand other wonder why the "rougher" poly finish used for bodies can't be used anyway. People here rave about raw wood necks all the time, wouldn't the effect be kind of similar?