
AquaMaster Build

Looks good! Fine work like that always takes a long time, but the results are so satisfying.
All in, tuners, burnishing, leveling, crowning, and polishing I probably have 8+ hours into this neck. Honestly, I'd say most folks with reasonable skill could finish everything in well under 4. Great learning experience, lots of fun, and hard work, and I'm now officially calling the neck complete.

It was well worth it. The neck and the frets look excellente' Sir, good job.
Cactus Jack said:
All in, tuners, burnishing, leveling, crowning, and polishing I probably have 8+ hours into this neck. Honestly, I'd say most folks with reasonable skill could finish everything in well under 4.

Someone might do it faster, but I question how many would do it better. That is quite a thing you have labored to produce, well done! I too look forward to seeing the rest of it come together!
Just finished taking the tape off and cleaning it up a bit. For the life of me I cannot photograph the frets, either to much shine or not enough, but here are a few pics of the final product:







Thanks for the inspiration to give this a go. Next update will be a live unboxing of the body. Stay tuned.
Darn...I'm bummed.

The picture is WAY better than the body is in person. In person the top has zero depth and pop. I would say the quilt is B grade at best. The picture WAY overstates every aspect.

I'm trying my best to be objective but the body really isn't dynamic or impressive. It's incredibly flat if that makes sense In no way does this approach a $635 showcase body, my guess is this is much closer to $435 equivalent.

Craftsmanship is great minus sand clear coated in the cavities. Besides that it's flawless.

I gotta sleep on it, but I'm feeling pretty let down. Again, the pic is so much better...I can't explain it, but it looks totally different in my hands.

It looks very good to me too.

Just some points to sleep on...

The pic that looks better to you is I assume the mockup in the first post of the thread which has a lighter look to it. Although I think this (the actual body) looks better the difference in expectation may be due to what you pictured in your mind's eye. The stock finish images will tend to look closer than the builder mockups.

As I understand it this was ordered without a Unique choice top, which is an extra cost due to what they are. But again the quilt you do have is beautifully matched and has some very good figuring.

The cost comparison of bodies in the showcase and what a build to order costs are rarely if ever comparable. You will always pay more for a build to order. The showcase is really terrific value but something that costs $500 in there could easily be north of $700 for a build to order.
I agree, really like the look of it, but if you say it doesn't look the best in person then I guess I can't argue. I'd say wait and see what it looks like in the sun or from different angles. And as stratamania said, if you didn't buy a Unique Choice top then you shouldn't expect a AAAAAAA grade top.

I'll still like to see what this looks like built, especially if you're putting half a pickguard on it anyway. This is what you get for not going for Goblin Flake :laughing7:
I gotta pile on with the rest of the peanut gallery, that body looks pretty nice from my house. That said, the only person that needs to be happy is you...
Sorry to hear it doesn't meet your expectations. The photo does look good. If you proceed with this one, I look forward to following your progress.
I’m sorry you aren’t happy with it. Not for nothing, and pardon me for saying ao, but when I read the following quote in your other thread, my immediate thought was that you would not be happy with it regardless of what came out of the box. You had yourself worked up for disappointment before it even arrived.

Cactus Jack said:
I'm apprehensive to see what the body looks like. It's sort of like having a kid, I know what the ingredients are, however, I have no idea what it's going to look like :) . Ordering a custom anything is truly a blind process. There are no progress updates of any kind, and based on conversations with Warmoth customer service the build is purely dealer choice.

In full transparency, I have high (unrealistic) expectations anytime I spend my hard-earned money. I am very hard to please, and extremely OCD when it comes to craftsmanship. Trust me, there have been several contractors that have fallen short of my expectations and have heard it :) . Also in full transparecny this body cost $635. Based on equivalent priced items within the showcase, I expect to be wowed.

Take a deep breath, take a nap, look at it with eyes unadulterated by false expectations. It is a stellar body in my opinion.
I had a similar thought. Nothing could meet expectation. Usually, the comments opening the box are along the lines of "photos don't do this justice"
I hear you.

The craftsmanship is fantastic. The build time and delivery were excellent. Warmoth delivered in every way.

I admit I'm hard to please, I admit there is an expectation gap, but there are a few aspects which I'm struggling with.

First, it might be the color as Strat mentioned. The body is much darker than I expected and much darker than other Aqua Marines I've seen. I wasn't expecting a burst, but the color is very one dimensional. Others that I have seen, and what I expected, have more distinct light Auqa teal pops contrasted with darker rich blues. This body is blue, and what I more readily associate with blue dye over Aqua. 

Second, the picture is absolutely deceiving. Hands on, the top almost looks like it was painted. The quilt has little to no definition, no depth what so ever. Now I might be spoiled as I have several Les Pauls in my collection, but even my worst Les Paul has at least one strip of flame that catches your eye from various angles. The quilt on this guitar is so flat, don't know how to describe it, but there is no light interaction or pop. It genuinely looks as if the figuring was painted on using slightly different shades of blue. It's clearly a wood top, but I imagine the effect is more similar to a photo top. I'm probably wrong there as I've never actually owned a photo top guitar.

Third, and final point is value. Yes, I did not opt for a "choose your own" top, but no, I was not expecting AAAA. I spoke with Warmoth several times before I placed my order. Customer service was very clear that AAAA quality was reserved for CYO and Showcase items. They were also clear that the builders grab what's in stock, do their best to book match etc, but they don't hand-select the material. They are running a business and can't stop to hand-select materials for every build. I fully understand and appreciate all aspects of their business. However, all in this is a $700+ custom order. In my opinion, based on the totality of the product, I don't feel I received $700+ in value. Simple as that. Nothing bad about Warmoth, they are a class act, but for the reasons outlined above I'm struggling to love my purchase.
I'm not trying to be a snob, but over the years I've had a solid collection of figure top guitars to compare against this body. The dynamic quality is just not there no matter what I do. I've tried to talk myself into keeping it, but I've decided to return it. The body is flawless, it's just a notch below where I want it to be. Below are a few of my guitars, all of which are run of the mill production pieces. Maybe my expectation of Warmoth is unreasonable, but something is dramatically different in the wood/color, something. I imagined the Jazzmaster would've approximated these to some degree, but I keep coming back to it...it's just flat. Hope that makes sense. 

Thank you to everyone for your support and contribution throughout this process. I've learned so much, and am beyond grateful for your insight and guidance. Learning from everyone here has inspired me and has deepened my love for these amazing instruments, and music in general. This build didn't work out, I know most disagree with me, but it's onward and upward. I've made a significant investment in that neck, so I'm confident a new body will be right around the corner. I'm so appreciative of this amazing community, thanks again for everything!









My daughters $200 Washburn:

