
(Another) Tele Thinline


Hi All

Here's some pics of my first Warmoth build - another Tele Thinline.
Trad layout with double binding, burst front and back and a 3-bolt micro-tilt for my ebay 70's Fender Tele Custom RI neck with nitro finish

Neck fits like a glove and exactly lines up!

Gotta love this, right  :hello2:



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Wow that looks absolutely awesome. Out of curiosity, what possessed you to get a three-bolt 70's neck?

Well I wanted a used Fender US neck and I wanted it gloss/nitro not satin (as most of the ebay available were)
This one was available on the day for a good price, so I went for it.

Also, I like the look of the bullet truss and 3 bolt neck plate.

I know it may not be as stable as a standard neck attach, and that it may not transmit sound to the body as well,
but I think it should be OK.

OK - guilty! I'm a child of the 70s!

2hrs later and it's nearly there. Just need to wire up the Fender SCN pickups.

I'll be plucking this puppy tonight!

Grats to Warmoth. Man, this baby has gone together like a dream.
Warmoth were a real pleasure to deal with, even from down here in Oz!



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Gorgeous!  I have gotten massive Tele envy from hanging out here!  Can't wait to get mine going!
You couldn't get Fender to build a guitar looking that good with spending thousands from the custom shop.
Nice Work
Thanks for that everyone

Well, after another 3 hours wiring it up, she'd done.

To say I'm totally thrilled is an understatement!
No way I could afford anything like this from Fender Custom Shop. Even if they could do a body as nice.

Now to set up and start pluckin'

And then, back to building my Fender Super Reverb Blackface.....    :cool01:

And after that, a Warmoth Jazz Bass. A spalted one, I think.   


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Hey Alex......

I've already commented on how much I hate you cos you've got a nice guitar  :icon_tongue:
But I'm a sucker for amps.  Where'd you get you Super Reverb kit? I assume it is a kit, and not a re-build of an existing amp?

Hi Jimh

That's right - a kit but with pieces from a couple of suppliers.

I put a description of it over in the "where to get a tube amp kit"
thread in "the rig", so that should give you an idea. I'll be putting
up some pics and such as I go, starting in a couple of weeks.

PS - thanks  for the tele envy. Makes me feel goood!  :toothy12:

She plays pretty darn good - Fender SCNs are very quiet, but a little
'brash'. Nice tones and especially the 4-way tele mod for serial pups
sounds very strong and thick.