
An original with Garage band.

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Here's a song written in 1977 when I was 17 and finally recorded it this year. Garage band, iMovie, my Firebird, my Tele and my Warmoth Dinky P bass
Learning Logic Pro but am not there yet. Man this is a lot of fun. The sync is off with iMovie, still learning.
Firebird in open G (DGDGBG) and the Tele is in standard tuning. Used garage band amp settings and drum loop.
I know what i like, and I like what i hear  :icon_thumright:

Great vocals too. Have they been processed in any way?
Thanks man, that's quite a compliment.
The vocals have effects in Garage band called male basic vocals (I'm embarrassed to say). Could have used something cooler.
Did 2 takes with the vocals and had a rough time with the sync so it's off in places. Same with the guitars around 3:00. Learning process.
Thanks guys. GB is really easy to learn so far. The biggest issue was figuring out how to use the analogue to digital converter where I could actually hear what I was doing through the headphones.
Logic Pro is a much steeper learning curve but plowing through it. For anybody learning it, I can save you many hours of frustration by telling you that to save as an mp3 of the whole Logic project, you have to bounce it and click the mp3 box. Took me a very long time to figure that out and the help section wasn't much help. Who the heck, except recording engineers, would know what bounce meant? (Don't answer that, I feel dumb enough as is).
:hello2: This is really good. You kinda sound like Joe Walsh on a good day (I hope that's a compliment). Anybody know who compiled the first Unofficial Warmoth soundtrack? I think there needs to be a sequel. There's a lot of great talent on this forum and I still have "One" on my iTunes. Pretty good stuff.
Thanks BDI. I love Joe, that's a helluva compliment. I've been playing some Joe Walsh stuff since 1977!
Here's a cover of Rocky Mountain Way using the drums and vocals and keys from guitarbackingtracks. I'm the old guy paying the Zebra wood LP, the talk box and singing (most of the song). Overstretched a note at about 3:50.
Still having trouble synchronizing with iMovie. Lotsa work to be done.
My friend Steve is playing slide - used both of his takes. He's amazing. This was done with Logic Pro.
Crank it please.
Lovin this stuff.
Cheers and did I tell you I loved your George Harrison tribute Strat?!
Man, that rhythm just sounds raunchy in the best way. Just great. And thanks, I appreciate the compliment!
I'm just "graduating" from GarageBand.  It's a really nice beginner program, and at first, I thought it was great, and everything I'd need, but once I really got into it, I reached its limitations very quickly.  My wife got me Logic Express 9 last month, but I haven't even opened it (yet).  I'm not sure if this is going to be one of those things that I outgrow like I did with GarageBand, so I'm skeptical about it.  I hardly want this to be a wasted $200.  :tard:

Good job with the music!
When my girlfriend bought a Mac a little while ago, I told myself I'd get around to playing with Garage Band. Hasn't happened yet (hey! getting all that stuff to connect my guitar to the computer is tricky! and expensive!)  :laughing7:

Anyhoo, nice stuff PT!
Thanks guys! I've been working with Logic recently as I agree with TLS that I felt that garage band is a great way to start but is limited.
Logic is way better but the learning curve (for me) is steep. Here are a few tips that might save someone time (like days for me!)

-To save as an mp3 you have to "bounce it" Also make sure the start and end of the project is defined on your bounce when prompted. (took me days to figure that out).
-To mix a channel - use automation. Straight forward and simple.

Check out the myriad of drum loops Really cool stuff in there. The Rocky Mountain way rendition was done in Logic. Still learning but everyday gets a bit easier. Definitely worth the time.

Edit: Also the analogue to digital converter is important. I use one for the Mac by Apogee called the Duet (the older model).