
Original death metal track


Senior Member
Not recorded on warmoth but the first guitar I used in my band on our first tour was an old reverse KWS on a fender body. Last year I wrote 11 tracks and programmed some drums. The other day I was experimenting with quad tracking. Here I recorded two tracks with a fender m-80 preamp into a peavey 50/50 and the other two tracks were a Friedman BE-OD preamp pedal into the same poweramp. I used a Randall iso cab. Great for recording loud in my apartment. Nobody can hear a thing and the box improves the tone. Best thing I ever came across for micing a real speaker. Actually having the amp lower adds like a pseudo room tone because the mic picks up the reverberation in the box. If the amp is louder it has less “room tone” the great thing about having a separate preamp and power amp is you can put the power amp max volume and use that preamp like a power break. This track might not be your cup of tea but I figured someone might like it. The guitar is a steinberger spirit with a dimarzio super 2 bridge pickup and the tuning is B standard.
