
Always wondered what a dyed neck would look like

Not a dumb question.  Yes and no.  It would wear away the clearcoat first, which probably isn't Nitro, so it would wear slower.  When it did wear through the clearcoat, the dye is in the wood and not on the wood like most finishes.  The oils from your hands wouldn't/shouldn't absorb as fast simply because the dye has absorbed into the wood already.  But short answer, yes.
Kadmium said:
This may be a stupid question, but would playing this guitar cause the strings to wear away at the fingerboard finish?

I have a bunch of guitars with painted necks (the back, not the fretboard) and I've never worn any finish away. I assume it would be the same for a painted board. But you do see examples of beat up guitars with the finish "played off" the backside, so it probably would depend on what you did with it over a long period of time.
Tonar8353 said:
That guitar is on the 2009 Fender Custom Shop Calendar for the month of July. The color is much clearer on the calendar and the guard looks more like a parchment. A very nice piece built by Master Builder Yuriy Shishkov from the custom shop. I thought it was the outstanding guitar on the calendar for 2009!  :icon_thumright:

I think it's a similar but different guitar.  It may be the same with different pups and hardware, haven't compared the grain patterns.
Here's the other thread:  http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=10733.0



That's the same body, I'm sure. If nothing else, those two had tops cut from the same piece of wood.
The shot with no screws in the pickguard feels like a photoshop job to me - the lack of screwheads, and the lack of shadow/funky edges on the pickup bezels doesn't feel right to me.

The more I look at it, I don't think it's the same body.  The upper horns near the strap buttons aren't even close.  Behind the bridges are similar, but not identical.  Like you said, probably the same pice of wood.  But being bookmatched, if the two use consectutive cuts before book matching, that might place the cuts as close as 1/2" to 3/4" away, more than enough time for grain pattern to change.  Enough for them to look similar but not identical, due to the grain changing.
bagman67 said:
The shot with no screws in the pickguard feels like a photoshop job to me - the lack of screwheads, and the lack of shadow/funky edges on the pickup bezels doesn't feel right to me.

Just look at the reflections of strings on the pickups. Completely different.

If any of you guys look at the source thread, the guy clearly states:
i did a quick photoshop to see it with mini humbuckers that i would like in one of these.

am i missing something here or am i the only one paying attention. i don't know!
Just what I need, another great idea for another project.

I would have used a pearloid pickguard to match those tuners...
so now we are suppose to pay attention and not act like a kidergarten class after eating sugar cookies?


I want my sugar fixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nope.  They say it's a different kind of Maple than used on a body, and won't take it the same.  Keep in mind, this guitar(s) (if it's more than one) is a Custom Shop model and used in a calendar.  It's more akin to a concept car at a carshow.  Warmoth does some one off finishes in the Showcase that you can't custom order because it can't be reproduced predictably, like the Acrylic Swirl.  A "well it worked this time, so sell it, or it didn't work this time, paint it black" scenario might be what happens.  With the calendar guitars, you don't know if that was their 1st attempt or 101st attempt.  And to others that have done DIY dyed Maple necks, they look great but don't come anywhere near this Fender Custom shop model.
FWIW, I don't know what kind of Maple this is.  I would think Birdseye, but the figure is off the charts, like AAAAAAAAA Birdseye.  This would be a double whammy from Warmoth because they don't dye Maple necks or Birdseye Maple on bodies because of grain fill issues.  So no on both accounts.